If you have been keeping up with the Disney Plus show Star Wars: The Mandalorian you will know that its season 2 finale just aired, it was packed with thrilling action, some tear-jerking moments, and two VERY surprising moments! As the episode closed, we got an after credit scene at none other then Jabbas Palace, now being ruled by an obese Bib Fortuna. Boba Fett quickly dispatches the crime lord and dramatically sits down on his throne.
The text then informs us that The Book of Boba Fett will be coming to Disney Plus in December of 2021. Now, this was not a huge surprise as Deadline and Grace Randolph had confirmed that this spin-off was filming or was going to begin filming very soon.

What is mysterious, is that it is debuting the same month and year as The Mandalorian Season 3, now it’s not likely that Disney would want to release two seasons of TV side by side with each other, for the risk of cannibalizing. This has led to some speculation that The Book of Boba Fett may in fact not be a TV show at all but a film.
This would be an interesting twist as Boba Fett was originally intended to get his own future film before the demise of SOLO at the box office. After that news related to Boba Fett was very few and far between, with only a reference to his armor in the Aftermath Novels. With his glorious return in The Mandalorian Season 2, Disney could very well be resurrecting his solo film as a Disney Plus movie.
TV Series can be expensive to make and require Disney to make an extended commitment to the subject matter, making one-off films could allow Disney Plus to keep expanding the Star Wars universe with a much smaller budget. This would be very interesting I think as it would open up a lot of doors for Disney to tell varied tales from Legends without needing to commit the funds for a full series.
The Book of Boba Fett, could also be used by Disney as a sort of “Prologue” to get people excited for The Mandalorian Season 3 that would come later that month.
What do you think? Is The Book of Boba Fett a film or TV series?