It’s Not A Star Wars Rip Off: The Black Hole

Cute robots or images of torture and competition? The center robot Old B.O.B. (voiced by Slim Pickins) is in such sorry shape after out shooting the tall black robot on the left S.T.A.R.R. Robots with emotional issues , who knew?

In 1979 at the crest of the Star Wars, sci-fi wave Disney released its first-ever PG-rated film. Led by serious star power such as Anthony Perkins, Maximilian Schell, and Ernest Borgnine the serious sci-fi adventure film The Black Hole was released in theaters and a generation of fans and Disney followers were put into shock.

Following elements introduced in such works 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea and 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Black Hole is based around the search for life on other planets, which has been a driver in sci fi for decades is a connection that dives the initial motivation for our characters in the film.

An exploratory crew on board a far range craft called the Palamino, come upon the titular black hole, and attempt to check out the astronomical anomaly, but find a derelict craft the Cygnus at the edge of the black hole and are astonished to find it not being pulled in by the gravity, While checking things out they wind up getting almost being pulled in themselves, and their ship getting damaged.

They are able to break free of the gravity force and finally are able to land on the Cygnus. Aided by their trusty platitude spouting, understanding, ESP enhanced robot companion V.I.N.C.E.N.T., they venture through some harrowing greetings and passages to meet their host/genius/madman Dr. Hans Reinhardt, played with slightly subdued, yet elegantly scenery-chewing by Maximilian Schell. They also encounter a demon in red, robotic form, Maximillian.

The evil robot Maximilian who can slice, dice, and make Julianne fries.

From there on, they try to repair their ship and leave but things get dicey as one of the crew wants to stay, one is trying to get a story, and another is on a quest to find their father. Spoiler alert, things go south really badly for our heroes, although some aren’t nearly as heroic as we would like them. For example, Dr. Alex Durant (played by Anthony Perkins), is an ambitious scientist who almost straight up betrays his crew to follow Reinhardt. And our journalist Harry Booth (Ernest Borgnine), shows extreme snark and cowardice, which even ends up with the Palomino destroyed.

Although this movie was conceived and production began a whole two years before Star Wars was released, The Black Hole was not released until 1979, which led to many fans and critics decrying it as a Star Wars rip off. However, there are those who do not remember it as such a kind or friendly movie as the George Lucas epic:

I recently saw a documentary on this movie and there was a lot that went wrong and it could have been darker. It was supposed to be darker. Also, the effect of Star Wars influencing it was mostly negative to the film. They changed the look of Vincent and Bob because they didn’t want them to be considered ripoffs of R2D2. Overall I enjoy the film. Maximilian is one of the best psychopath robots from that age of cinema.

Terry Wagner, owner of Mental Diversions Studios, Houston, TX

Along with the exploration of genius versus madness, slavery(robots and lobotomized humans), this film dared to touch on heaven and hell, and what makes greatness among humans. Very different themes and ideas than Star Wars, The Black Hole was a very serious movie from Disney and some fans appreciated that direction:

The Black Hole at the time was a visual delight for my eyes with Maximillian just soaking up every scene he was in along with Dr. Reinhardt. I loved it. It reminded me of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea in space with a hint of Forbidden Planet. It took itself seriously and I appreciated that. I originally saw it on release weekend at a drive-in. It wasn’t until a couple of years later when I watched it my uncle’s house that I picked up on the fact that his crew were lobotomized and used as slaves and then the hellscape symbolic nature of the center of the black hole sent chills up my spine.

Maximilian, in Hell?

Currently available on Disney+ streaming service this often overlooked sci-fi gem is being rediscovered by a new generation of fans who are willing to dare to venture into the Black Hole.

CHECK OUT PART 2 IN THIS SERIES: It’s Not A Star Wars Ripoff: Krull

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with, currently an Associate Editor for I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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