Jericho’s Possible Resurrection On Paramount Plus

Ever since the CBS television show Jericho went off the airways in 2008 there has been a movement to bring the show back in some way or form. Over the years, the Save Jericho Campaign has only grown in size and popularity. With the growth of the fan base and the adding of untold new fans from the show’s popularity on CBS All Access and Netflix, there have come many rumors and bits of news about the resurrection of the cult classic. In the first few years after its cancellation, there were credible rumors about the show getting a film treatment. Those rumors passed on and for a while, it seemed that hopes for a continuation of the show were becoming slimmer and slimmer. That all changed when the Jericho comic books and graphic novels hit the shelves, received with massive excitement, the comic books, and graphic novels flew off the shelves and both “Seasons” of the graphic novels had multiple reprints as each printing kept selling out. Sources close to CBS said they had not realized how popular Jericho was and how shocked they were at the graphic novel selling out repeatedly.

Now there are more whispers of Jericho’s possible resurrection on Paramount Plus, so here is everything we know about the possible return of Jericho.

CBS Turned down Netflix’s offer

A few years ago, Netflix offered to resurrect Jericho and produce new episodes for the streaming service. Mysteriously CBS turned them down, this was an odd decision by CBS as the production of more Jericho episodes could only mean more profit for the network. In the form of more Comic books, DVD sales, and attention to the brand. The only conceivable reason for CBS turning down Netflix’s offer is that they had their own plans for the cult show.

The delay of the Season 5 Graphic Novel

Jericho CBS All Access

With the high sales numbers of the first two Jericho graphic novels, there has been an odd silence when it comes to the release date for the next installment. This would seem to indicate that the comic book may have been halted due to work on a Jericho script, as they would have to halt the comic to not spoil any possible story for the TV show.

Black Sails was offered another season but turned it down

Jericho CBS All Access

This is pure speculation, but one of Jericho’s producers and co-executive producers Dan Shotz has been working as executive producer on the hit show Black Sails for Starz. The show was reportedly offered a 5th season but decided to close the show in its fourth season. Now, this could simply be because the narrative was better served to end in the fourth season vs the fifth. The other possibility is this, if CBS All Access wants to bring Jericho back they will need Dan Shotz to produce and guide the show since the nature of filming shows on streaming services is more akin to a giant movie shoot it would take a lot of time. plus the shoot would need to start soon. If Jericho is brought back to CBS All Access it would be a big undertaking and one that CBS would want to publicize to gain as many new subscribers as possible.

The Jericho Cast Reunion

Jericho CBS All Access

This was an interesting event. Jericho actor Skeet Ulrich hosted a BBQ get-together at his home for the show’s 10th anniversary. In attendance were Dan Shotz and many of the actors and actresses from the show. The event was broadcasted on Periscope, in one of the videos you can hear Dan Shotz say “Negotiation” or “Negotiating” now normally this would be brushed off as a fragment of a conversation, but when the video was uploaded to YouTube the portion that included the word “Negotiation” or “Negotiating” was edited out and removed from the video.

Rumors, rumors everywhere

Jericho CBS All Access

There are rumors about the return of Jericho everywhere, and this is odd for a show that has been off the air for close to 10 years. No one hears rumors about the return of Almost Human or Pushing Daisies, so one must ask why there are rumors about the return of a dead show? Could it be that maybe it’s not as dead as people thought?

Star Trek: Discovery

Jericho CBS All Access

Star Trek: Discovery was meant to be the crown jewel of Paramount Plus, but sadly the show has had nothing but trouble. Having lost its showrunner, had negative feedback from fans about the ship design, negative feedback about its story, and negative feedback about its casting the show is in trouble. Now, this is not to say the show is doomed, just that it’s not proving to be the slam dunk that CBS was hoping for. With news coming out that the show will most likely miss its May 2017 release date (it already missed it’s January one) The evidence is very likely that Star Trek Discovery could very well be delayed till Fall of 2017 or ever Winter 2018. CBS needs a win, a slam dunk, and announcing Jericho would be that win they need. It would allow for repairs to be made to STD and bring back some goodwill.

A Jericho return has not been ruled out by the studio.

This is a very important one, CBS knows how popular Jericho is, it has seen the graphic novel sales and campaigns for its return. CBS has not announced Jericho is canceled for good and won’t be coming back. They have been silent on the matter.


In conclusion, the world of Film and TV is very fluid and can change on a dime, rumors from one day can be obsolete the next. Looking at everything mentioned above there seems to be a good possibly that Jericho could be announced as a new show on CBS All Access. With the delay of the next graphic novel, the freeing up of Dan Shotzs schedule, the Jericho cast reuniting (cast reunions are frequently used as cover for casual negotiations) the mentioning of “Negotiation” at the cast reunion and the delay of Star trek: Discover, it would seem we are closer than ever to a possible resurrection of Jericho.

Only time will tell………

Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette is a film critic and journalist. He is the current Chairman of the Independent Film Critics of America, as well as the Editor and Lead Film Critic for Viralhare and a Staff Writer for Film Obsessive. He also contributes to What Culture and many other publications. He considers Batman V Superman the best superhero film ever made and hopes one day that the genius of Josh Lucas will be recognized.

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    • za maÅ‚o,żeby co??stać sÄ™ popularnym…??to chyba już masz w pewnym sensie…jeÅ›li nie chcesz pisac,albo bÄ™dziesz to robiÅ‚ na siÅ‚e…to faktycznie zakoÅ„cz…bo ,żeby mieć z czegoÅ› satysfakcjÄ™ i przyjemność,trzeba chcieć to robić…a w swoim zabieganym życiu,zawsze bÄ™dziesz miaÅ‚ godzinÄ™ czasu którÄ… pr82&ierp#8e30;&#z230;.nie wiadomo na co…;-)..

  1. Jericho had great casting, light years ahead of the Walking Dead.
    As years pass, if they are going to continue this they better be quick.
    Remakes with different casts never capture the magic of the original.
    Jericho was a wonderful series which so much more could have been done, if only imagination would reign over finance…..

  2. I watched this with my father for the first time years ago on Netflix. Tonight my I finished rewatching it with my Wife. It was a fantastic show!! Wish there was more.

  3. Me husband and I have re watched the two seasons again and again its great it be so awesome if it came back its such a good show please bring it back to netflix

  4. Omg!!
    PLZ Bring back Jericho!!! With the cast that still remained… I haven’t got a chance to read or view the graphic novels (nor did I ever hear of any until now) only because I just finished the series (then googled why it was cancelled) of Jericho on Netflix & was bummed to see it was cut short…
    I wanna see Stanley & Mimi get married, I wanna see the town get put back together, I wanna know what happens to the Cheyenne government & what Srgt. Beck is gonna do with his crew since he (& they) found out about the secret behind all of it!…. I wanna see Jake & Robert make it back to Jericho-
    I started watching this show when it first aired back in 2006 & was only able to watch a few episodes (due to certain reasons I’m not gonna explain)
    I want more Jericho!
    If all else fails- @ least make a DVD movie collection… (Sarring the original cast)
    My oldest kid (13) is VERY intetested in this show & is now starting to watch it for himself on Netflix!!
    Bringing Jericho back would be the ultimate topping for the starting out of a new year!!
    #FanLove 💕

  5. Time to reboot JERICHO, bring the original cast back, so much more story to be told. Rescue Hawkins,
    Newburn story, what becomes of the Allied States, Jake, and Emily story, major Beck, what becomes of him?
    One of the very best tv shows ever.
    After all these years still has a large devoted fan following. This show will only grow in numbers on return to tv.
    PLEASE bring Jericho back.

  6. great show indeed .. I hope they bring back the series were they left off! I believe it would be a huge hit ..especially in these times

  7. well to hear life of a cast 14 years later is awesome! i started last thursday & have marathoned them till this mornin at 6 a.m. my husband takes it in slowly, so Im watching it again! if they could keep it clean in the 2020’s like they did in 2006, EVERYONE can watch & people can learn & get prepared so if an EMP or some kind of disaster happens… heck i got a friend in a large city where he’s had to teach kids from the poverty levels & they dont know how to strike a match… silly, NO REALITY OF 2020!

  8. We watched it faithfully when it originally aired, bought the DVD’s, petitioned, sent peanuts, participated in the on-line petitions & communities, and have begged, prayed, and pleaded for it to come back! If there’s anything I’ve learned it’s that the fans will do ANYTHING to bring this back. Now that the world has had to deal with COVID-19 it’s all the more real as to what life can bring us. Please bring this shinning light back to a dying world!!

  9. Just finished watching the series of Jericho and immediately started searching to see if there were more episodes. Very disappointed to find out it was cancelled. Loved this series and certainly hope that it will be brought back. Kind of reminds me of what is going on in our world today. Please bring it back.

  10. We need a Jericho continuation with the original cast, this is a awesome show, lots of stories left
    to be filmed. This would be such a huge success on TV today, the cast and story was very good. I own the
    DVD and cannot count how many times I have re watched this show. Please bring Jericho back.

  11. Please, please bring Jericho back!! Great cast, interesting story line, much better than the Walking Dead series.


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