Justice League: The One Good Review

The much anticipated film Justice League has finally come to grace the screens of movie theatres across the world, and the reviews so far have been mostly poor. What with Rotten Tomatoes, Marvel loyalists and the people who can’t see past previous DCEU failures, it’s no surprise that the film’s getting a bad wrap. However, the few fans who have grown up reading comic books and understand the lore behind the DC films we are seeing today have learned to see past other people’s opinions and ultimately enjoyed the film. Was it perfect? No, no film is. I will dare to say that it is more on par with the Marvel films than any other DC movie has ever been, and will prove to be a treat for anyone who is willing to go into it with an open mind. There are a few critiques and key points I would like to touch on, and I hope that you take these into consideration after you yourself have seen the film.

Steppenwolf Wasn’t That BadImage result for steppenwolf

Everyone keeps prattling on about how horrible Steppenwolf looks as just CGI, but what else could have possibly been done? Everyone remembers how horrible Apocalypse looked in the X-Men franchise, so CGI seems like the way to go. Even though you could obviously tell that Steppenwolf was computer generated, there’s no way to make a 20-foot-tall cosmic being look normal, and I dare anyone to try and prove me wrong.

The Flash Solves a Major ComplaintImage result for the flash justice league

One major complaint of the DCEU is that it has little to no humor, and Justice League solved that completely. Aquaman, and even Batman cracked a couple of jokes, but almost every time The Flash was on screen he said or did something funny. One of the best parts of this film was seeing what Barry was going to do next, and you should always keep one eye on the Scarlet Speedster if you want to have a good chuckle.

Aquaman is a BadassImage result for aquaman justice league

When Jason Momoa said that no one would be making Aquaman jokes after Justice League, he was spot on right. Momoa has completely reinvented the character into a sort of punk rock, in your face badass, and that is so much better than having a cleancut fishboy. Even though I hated the idea at first, casting Jason Momoa as Aquaman was the best decision that the DCEU has made thus far, and makes the stock of Justice League go way up.

A Good Start for a UniverseImage result for justice league

At the end of the day, I see Justice League as a good start for the DC universe. Yes, this was supposed to be the pinnacle of the DCEU so far, but the main thing that the film accomplished was setting up for an even bigger sequel. More heroes, more villains, a bigger budget, and I’m sure everything will snowball into more solo movies from there. Justice League created a whole new world for writers and directors to set up and work with, and if they turn out like this film did, then they’ll have plenty of loyal fans like me that will be the first in line to see them.

What do you think? Do you agree with my review of Justice League? Let me know at [email protected]!

Jacob Craig
Jacob Craig
Stand-up comedian, avid MMA fan and disgruntled movie goer. I probably know more about superheros than you do. Men in Black 2 is the greatest movie of all time, change my mind.

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