Lego Batman Is Awesome, Because He’s Batman (Film Review)

Last week The Lego Batman Movie debuted to rave reviews and a stellar box-office, the film seemed to hit all the right beats to be a smash where not all superhero films can be. The film was praised for not just being a kids movie but one that everyone, from kids to grandparents could enjoy. So lets look at why The Lego Batman Movie is so awesome!

Dark metal fight music, check. Classic cape and ripped abs, check. Seventy five years of Bat-History, lauded, loved, and lampooned, check. This is just part of the awesomeness that is The Lego Batman Movie. 

Rather than tossing out the years of continuity issues, contradictory behavior and costume oddities, this movie happily embraces these parts of Batman and drags them out to their Legoized, extreme, boundaries.

In the course of The Lego Batman Movie, we get to see multiple versions of The Batman from his campy craziness of the 60’s to the darkest reaches of the Bale movies, Lego Batman channels any and all of these at any given time during the run of  this movie.

Our Batman is in a constant state of denial to emotions, his family connections and his frenemy relationship with Lego Joker.  This constant state of denial leads our hero to commit constant acts of stupidity and awesomeness that include endangering his newly adopted son/sidekick in the heart of Lego Superman‘s Fortress of Solitude to getting locked up in Arkham Asylum.
With bad guys from Sauron, yes The Lord Of The Rings villain, to the Daleks, our hero has to learn that family, teamwork, and being a master builder of more than subs and monster trucks are surest ways to be awesome.

Four and a half out of five hops for Bat-awesomness.

Check out the trailer for The Lego Batman Movie here! 


William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with, currently an Associate Editor for I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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