Shocking Video Answers What It’s Like To Light A Million Matches At Once!


Before the video starts a brief warning flashes on the screen: don’t try this ANYWHERE

It might seem like a bit much, but it’s a fitting warning for what we are about to see over the next several minutes!

The video starts off with the host showing viewers a single match. One match quickly becomes two. Then 4, 8, 16, 32 matches all of which are glued together. Soon several hundred matches are laid out along a stretch of plywood. The row of matches twists its way along a the wood in a winding path before stopping, making way for the main attraction.

The host now begins to stack matches in a large circle. The time-lapse gives us a clear view of the progress at each stage. The circle of matches climbs higher – stopping just short of the peak. Now we can see the volcano of matches in all its glory!

You’re in for a treat if you thought things were great already. The host is certainly not finished yet! A thousand match tips are now snipped off with scissors and funneled into the top of the volcano.

We are now at a staggering 100,000 matches!

You know what’s coming next, right?

The lighting ceremony is a spectacular sight to see in and of itself. And what about the eruption? You will need to stay tuned to the ended and experience it for yourself!

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