Loving The Alien And The UFO: Differing Views On Little Green Men

On July 27, 2023, the United States Congress held a hearing on the existence of UFOs,s, also known as UAP’s.

According to this supposed whistleblower, and documents and footage gathered from various sources, the theme throughout the hearing was that other than Earthly entities have been visiting our planet for quite some time and our own government is complicit and covering up the existence of these beings

We should have disclosure today. We should have disclosure tomorrow. The time has come,” said Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz of Florida.


With authoritative journalism groups such as the BBC and various governments including the United States and Canadian reviewing, disclosing, and analyzing stories and accounts of unknown aircraft, and along with these hearings, perhaps it’s time to take a look at some differing ideas on the subject of little green men.

The first school of thought is one of pure skepticism. There are those who believe that all phenomena relating to UFOs, and other unidentified aircraft, you explained why and everything from refractions are flexors in the atmosphere, earth-born gasses, or simply mental health issues of the Observer. Skeptics quite often use these arguments to deflect any possible research or ideas concerning these concepts of possible extraterrestrial life. The Skeptics use various Sciences from astrophysics to biology to completely differentiate and to cry any ideas going forward on UFOs.

The second school of thought is the scientific observation research of UFOs this group utilizes science as a Skeptics do, but, their view is that the existence of extraterrestrials can explain such things as thermodynamics, biology, and particle physics. This group believes that these visitors are going strictly for scientific engagement and research. They look at any phenomena associated with UFOs as the research will field that can be explained and Quantified through the various Sciences.  this group also to an extent subscribes to the prehistory extraterrestrial theory, such as that popularized by the History Channel show Ancient Aliens, the aliens have been here since the beginning of mankind to guide and teach leaving rice. This idea took hold in the 1960s thanks to Erich von Daniken due to his book Chariots of the Gods. this book took such ideas as the Nazca Lines in Peru and pyramids built around the world, as well as statues that appear to depict space technology and astronauts as proof of contact and guidance with beans out of this planet and out of this time.

The next group of ideas come from the New Age/conspiracy movement both believe and very degree that visitors are here for completely different reasons and there is a motivation that causes behind your visitations. The New Age movement believes the aliens rain from extraterrestrial to beans.  The movie had constant contact with these being the one way or another to guide them to enlightenment. This belief system corporates the fact or idea that enlightenment can come from these beans. A different parallel School of thought to leave the aliens are indeed here for a purpose for that purpose is to work with various governments for control of the world. aliens looked at various stages of development from the infamous Grays of Roswell to the reptilian’s idea shared by David Icke, are viewed as conspirators and enemies of free will people. These aliens are believed by those who perpetrate such conspiracies these beings are here for experimentation, domination, and complete control and hybridization of the human race.

The fourth school of thought is from a Christian or religious point of view. this point of view voice has been covered by various Scholars,  And most recently has become the topic of research and discussion with the offers investigators at Skywatch TV. other concurrent Scholars such as L A Marzulli, Stephen Quayle, and Thomas Horn had examined the thought that these extraterrestrial beings artifact part of Greater deception upon Humanity by demonic forces. looking at the fact that abductions concur with stories of demonic possession as part of the basis for this area of thought. Also, there has been some information released by former members of UFO research groups that some abductees,  have been released from saying the  Lord’s Prayer, singing church hymns, or asking for the protection of Christ. Also, there are such ideas by scholars such as Dr. Michael Heiser, that extra extraterrestrial beings may indeed exist but they’re actually not involved or obstructing mankind as other people have surmised.

Whatever your own personal beliefs are on the subject it is surely one that will continue to Intrigue and fascinate people for years to come. we can only do our own research and get our own conclusions none such a topic, but each person looking at this, they have to remember the truth is out there.

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with Moviepilot.com, currently an Associate Editor for ViralHare.com. I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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