In the realm of comic book publishing, there are those that think that sticking with the same old formula is the sure path to success. They see safety before creativity, but not so with Fobbs Publishing.
Lane Fobbs, publisher, and CEO of Fobbs Publishing, also lead writer, has taken a road less traveled by creating original characters based on his own love of pop culture and his own life experiences. Also, while doing fictional works, he has taken on the challenge of creating a graphic novel that gives a historical perspective on the ways that Black Americans have shaped America.

ViralHare got the opportunity to speak with Mr. Fobbs and after noticing his graphic novel, Richard Green, and its old-school Kung Fu vibe I interviewed Mr. Fobbs and got right into why this book had a vibe like the Last Dragon, and the details about his publishing company and other works, and the future he sees for Fobbs Publishing.
With the drive and ambition this young man has, and his willingness to find a singular voice in a cacophony of small press vying to be heard, we believe that we will certainly see more from Mr. Fobbs.