The Celluloid Sleigh Path: 5 OFF THE WALL Christmas Flicks

For some families, it’s a Christmas tradition to watch movies and tv specials which are clearly marked as family holiday entertainment. However, there are a few movies that don’t necessarily fit into the mold of a traditional Christmas movie,  but, Christmas is part of the background of the movie.

Let’s start with a best known and most popular most popular of these films Die Hard. In this film, Bruce Willis plays John McClain, a New York police officer who is flying to California to spend time with his wife who has recently gotten a job in Los Angeles. The backdrop for the period in which the movie takes place is at McClain ‘s wife’s executive Christmas party. Plenty of references, Easter eggs, and holiday music make this movie a pretty steady contender for non-traditional holiday fare.

Another of the adult-oriented Christmas movies is the first Lethal Weapon with Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. This movie takes place during Christmas and in fact our introduction of Mel Gibson as a police officer ,Martin Riggs, making a drug bust at a Christmas tree farm. Throughout the movie, plenty of sites, sounds, and surprises display the season in which our heroes are doing their thing. In fact, one of the bad guys, played by Gary Busey, answers Scrooge’s question, “what day is it?”, by shooting a TV A Christmas Carol is being played on and answering “it’s Christmas”.

Transitioning between R-rated fare to a bit more toned-down type of Christmas movie we, of course, need to talk about Gremlins. This darkly funny movie is anchored by a unique Christmas gift, a creature called a Mogwai. There are three Simple Rules attached with this creature ,which either on purpose or by accident,all get violated and when they do one present comes many and Christmas goes from at the time of joy and festivity the holiday of survival and insanity. This one may scare the smaller kiddies in the household so be wary.

And for a Non-Christmas Christmas movie for the family that lends itself closer to the true meaning of the reason for the season would be The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Including an appearance by Father Christmas himself, and one of the best bigger on the inside snow ball fights on film, this is a great holiday film. This classic tale first saw the light in 1950, penned by the great  C.S. Lewis.The start of the Chronicles of Narnia book series, this tale embodies elements of Christmas, Easter, Arthurian legend and the Christian faith to share a story for the ages. Disney actually faced controversy with this film being considered too religious for one of their studio films.


Before we go off of the beaten path of oddball Christmas movies, here are a few more to check out this holiday season: A Christmas Story, Jim Carrey’s version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Arthur Christmas, and Rise of the Guardians. These weird, wonderful, and not so normal holiday movies are sure to fill the stocking for the one who’s kind of getting tired of the claymation spectaculars, Charlie Brown specials, and The Rockettes Live from Radio City Music Hall.


Merry Christmas to all Who’s out there!

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with, currently an Associate Editor for I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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