Without trying to sound hyperbolic, I must say this is probably the best episode of the series so far. I swear this show is giving me a hard time deciding who the best character is. I’m being serious here I like everyone so equally. Making villains protagonists isn’t a new concept, but the execution of it is rather unique.
They all make up a piece of this shows puzzle. We see Adebayo struggling to balance her domestic life & work life. We have more clarity as to why she ended up working for her mother. Harcourt who is usually deadpan with how she interacts with her subordinates had a genuinely heartfelt moment of sincerity by photographing them after the mission was over.
Economos probably stole the show this episode. When you stab a Gorilla who seems to be the same as Grodd’s species with a chainsaw how is that not the best moment so far? Granted, it was Vigilante who wanted to do it. It is by far my favorite part of the episode.

If I had to pick my second favorite moment it was either Smith shooting people so abruptly without warning after he explained to Adebayo that he had X-Ray vision or it was Eagly trying to cheer up Peacemaker by offering him a dead squirrel. If you ever had a Cat or Dog you know you’ve had to deal with this situation at least once where they bring a dead bird or dead rodent in the house. I remember waking up when I had a phase of sleeping in the living room one morning & seeing a dead bird one of our Cats left in the middle of the room was like something out of a horror movie.
It really is great to see a show where there’s just incredible laugh out loud moments but there’s also so much stakes involved too. Murn being a Butterfly is found out, Detective Song suspects Peacemaker is guilty & his father is innocent after noticing a mismatch of fingerprints only for Murn to hire someone he knows to look after the police station.
This episode emphasized to me that it really isn’t an obvious good vs. evil show. It blurs the line of what we are conventionally used to. With only 3 episodes remaining of the season there’s a lot of questions that have to be answered in such a short amount of time. The cliffhanger at the end of the episode makes me wonder what could happen. I’m legit curious as to what’s going to happen.