It has been rumored lately that Ron Perlman is up for Swamp Thing in a Justice League Dark movie, as well as Ewan McGregor and Colin Farrell both for either Constantine or Etrigan. Rumor has it that DC is searching for a comedic actor to play Deadman along with these fellow Justice League Dark members, and I’m here to suggest ten actors that would be perfect for the job. So without further ado, let’s take a look at the ten actors I think would make a good Deadman.
1. Mark Wahlberg

The reason I think that Mark Wahlberg is best suited for this role is that he has the perfect balance of comedic and action star talent. He has shown that he can be just as funny as he is tough, and he has the perfect body stature for the role. Not to mention that he’s at the perfect age, and he honestly looks like the character, or would with a bald cap and white make-up at least.
2. Joel McHale

Joel McHale is one of the funniest men of our time, and I would personally love it if he brought his talents to Deadman. He has recently made a move into horror as well (Deliver Us From Evil), and certainly has the body for the role. McHale has everything needed for the role, and I think he could be the best Deadman we would ever see.
3. Woody Harrelson

While Harrelson may not have the body stature of the character, he does however have the mixture of comedic and action-packed acting experience that the role calls for. He has the worn look for the character already, and could be an amazing superhero if given the chance.
4. Bryan Cranston

While you may not think of Bryan Cranston as a comedic actor anymore after his once in a lifetime performance in Breaking Bad, he has certainly done his fair share in the line of work. He has shown that he can be funny and serious at the same time, and he has the look for the role as well.
5. Jason Sudeikis

Jason Sudeikis’ personality in almost all of his characters he’s played matches that of Deadman’s, and that’s why he’s suited for this role. I could cite some of his roles and talk about his other attributes, but that’s all he would need. Give him a suit, some make-up, and we have our Deadman!
6. Vince Vaughn

Many might not think of Deadman when they hear Vince Vaughn’s name, but I believe that he could be great in the role. He would possibly be reuniting with his True Detective co-star Colin Farrell, and have an already existent chemistry on set, of course aiding in his acting ability. Besides that, he’s used to playing cocky and arrogant comedic characters, and has moved into action occasionally, so I feel that he has all the credentials needed for the role.
7. Topher Grace

Chances are you never want Topher Grace to touch another superhero movie ever again, but just hear me out. Grace actually has all of the personality traits for this character down to a tee, because honestly that’s his real personality, and he has that certain skinny/slightly muscular build that the character would traditionally call for. He could be the most comically accurate character, and would give us a better Deadman than he did Venom.
8. Jake Gyllenhaal

Gyllenhaal is primarily an action star, however he has had done comedies in the past, and I think that’s the kind of actor that needs to be in this role. An actor that has comedic experience, but mainly has done action roles and fits that body type. Jake has the look, the acting ability of course, and it’s about time he played a superhero!
9. Jason Lee

My name is Deadman? You probably wouldn’t think of Jason Lee of all people to play this character, but I think he has great potential in the role. He’s played characters that are kind of arrogant frequently, and he has the look for the character clean-shaven. I believe if he were given the chance to bring the Deadman to life, that it could make him shine in a different light.
10. Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey has the kind of skinny-yet-muscular build that goes perfectly with Deadman, and while he’s never played a character like this before, he could give a reinvention of the character. I don’t think anyone would mind if Deadman got remade with McConaughey’s philosophies and improvisations, and he could bring some welcome star power to the movie in general.