Ranking The DCEU Movies (2013-2021)

Before we get to Ranking of the DCEU, as a follow-up to my previous article, originally I was going to do a long in-depth review of The Suicide Squad. But upon seeing the film I realized it would be a rather short article. So I’ll give a quick review throughout this read as I decided I will be ranking every film in The DC Extended Universe. But what approach do I take? Do I include Extended Cuts? Do I include The Snyder Cut on the same list as Josstice League? I think this is what I’ll do: I’ll rank the films that have gotten a global Theatrical release that you can currently watch at home. But, I will acknowledge the other versions in their own sections (honorable & dishonorable) & where I would rank them had they been eligible for this list. Without further adieu here is the ranking order of every Theatrically release DCEU movie from worst to best:

10.) Suicide Squad (2016)

For the record, I am absolutely a supporter of releasing the alternate film David Ayer had intended to make, but I am just judging the films for what they are. Even to this day, I found this film very disappointing. The neon light editing, the underutilized Jared Leto Joker or the even more underutilized cast, the odd soundtrack choices, the choices made with Enchantress. It had a few moments that I do have fun with & still do. Not to mention for a series based on a comic where anyone could die at any given time this film had very few deaths. 
There was so much potential to this film & it’s really the only DCEU film I am willing to call “Bad.” The cast was well chosen. Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Cara Delevigne, but they weren’t given a lot for work with considering this was a 6-week script.

Ironically, I did wind up buying the Soundtrack.

9.) Justice League (Theatrical)

It’s barely above, I had to wrestle with this for a while of which film I wanted to put like 9 or 10. Another case where the studio messed up a Director’s vision. Granted, it was under the most complicated of circumstances so without knowing the drama, it’s fine in its own right. There were horrible decisions particularly when it came to the CGI, whether that be Steppenwolf looking like a giant chess piece, Cavill’s digitally removed mustache. My biggest gripe was Afflecks Batman just not up to the task. Not to mention the gross scenes like “thirsty” The Flash falling on top of Wonder Woman. All of it was Just gross & while I did enjoy some jokes & some of the visuals it was just a discombobulated mess of a movie.

I can’t wait to get rid of my copy to make room for Zack Snyder’s Justice League on my shelf.

8.) Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice (Theatrical Edition)

Prior to the release of the Ultimate Edition, this would have been higher up, but after seeing that cut I realize this film had so many choices that come off really questionable. This was more of Batman’s movie than Supermans. Lex Luthor’s plans didn’t always make sense, & I didn’t care for the framing of Superman subplot. There are still things I liked about it. I like the arc Batman goes through I like the performances, particularly when Affleck interacts with Jeremy Irons there are amazing visuals.

While I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as people make it out to be, it’s once again an inferior version to a better movie because of studio meddling & last-minute changes in their plans. I don’t blame Snyder for any of it.

7.) Wonder Woman 1984

I have a soft spot for this film. It’s appropriately titled as it feels like a cheesy 1980s superhero action-comedy. While moments like that did work for the films it can work against the film as well. Don’t get me wrong I like things like Wonder Woman flying, I like the setup of the villains, I like the cast, but the worst aspects do really stick out like a sore thumb. No moral repercussions of sleeping with Steve Trevor in another man’s body, politically incorrect representation of Egyptians, bad CGI at night on Cheetah are among the major problems.

I admit there are more things I like than don’t but the things I don’t like do put this film where it’s placed on this list.

6.)Birds Of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation Of One Harley Quinn) 

With a title like that, it sums up this movie perfectly. I think maybe if the film was called Harley Quinn Featuring The Birds Of Prey that would have been better executed in terms of marketing & the plot of this film. I have to say Ewan McGregor as Roman Sionis/Black Mask was probably one of the best villains in this franchise. It’s a shame we might not get more of him. 

I wish I could say more other than I was entertained at the very least & I would have liked the title to have adhere to the story I was watching. 

5.) Man Of Steel

A film that has definitely grown on me over time. To me, this ages like fine wine, and others feel that way as well depending on who you ask. Some might say it aged as badly as dog crap. With a character as big as Superman, there is always going to be a variety of opinions on characterization. Some romanticize this concept that this character can’t do this/can’t do that but I don’t have a romanticized version of Kal-El. I allow the filmmakers to tell the story. I do enjoy this movie as a first contact alien story more than a superhero film.

Honestly, for me it’s as real & modern you can get with Superman. If that’s something that doesn’t fit with how you see the character that’s fine. I’m always down for a different interpretation. I felt there was a journey Clark needed to take before he became the more familiar version people have grown accustomed to. 

I understand that people had issues with Superman seemingly having disregard for human life & killing Zod the way he did. It felt like a coda of Mr.Spocks Means of the many>means of the few speeches. The lazy assessment that Superman “didn’t save anyone” is completely false. He prevented a world engine from terraforming billions of lifeforms to new krypton.
 Of course, I have my own criticisms. I wasn’t too keen on how they conveyed flashbacks seems out of order. My assumption was it was based on people can have different memories at different times I just didn’t think that translated well. I also felt the chemistry between Lois & Clark needed to be better.

4.)The Suicide Squad

Alright so here is my review of the film. I thought it was great. I was legit surprised how the deaths were handled in the film, the way they handled the humor, the gore & nihilism just took me completely by surprise. I won’t try & spoil the movie for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, but if I read this in comic book pages I think everything we see here is exactly how it would go. They are different mediums to be had for sure, I can’t help but be amazed at how everyone was handled. The use of Starro, how organically John Cena as Peacemaker changed in tone from humor to serious who felt like a villain more than anyone did. 
Each character had some form of an arc even if some of those arcs weren’t executed as well. Harley Quinn felt the most like Harley Quinn here when you compare her to the Comics & her animated show. This is ironic cause her relationship with King Shark is vastly different. & speaking of King Shark, Skyvester Stallone was given probably his best comedic performance since Demolition Man. It’s like when Christopher Walken played King Louie in Jungle Book. There was just something another world about it. 

The film doesn’t have the most engaging plot in the DCEU but I did like the Political subtext & some things during the mission definitely felt close to home for me in regards to American foreign relations. So without including any alternate versions or extended Cuts that didn’t get a wide release this one is No.4


Oh, man did I love Shazam. I’ve been a fan for years. The concept of a kid transforming into an adult was not a new concept but it was always interesting to see how writers would come up with a way for an adult to act like a kid & here it’s no different. If you know what being around kids is like you can tell how accurate it is here. Although Asher Angel as Billy Batson comes off differently as he does when he becomes Shazam I think it has an effect on you mentally. A kid’s dream is to have powers & Billy is living it & you can tell when his foster siblings transform they are feeling the Wonder too. I wasn’t crazy about Dr.Sivana as a whole but he definitely had some insane dark highlights of the movie that just goes over the top with the killing. 

2.) Aquaman

For a while, this was my favorite. After a while, I did begin to notice some flaws. It was hard to do repeat viewings with how long the runtime was to a point I was surprised it made what it made. But it was a visual treat no doubt. It had visuals like Avatar but with the writing of Power Rangers but the more stronger written episodes. The villains had clear motivations & Arthur Curry/The Aquaman played by Jason Momma had this arc of where he belongs similar to Hercules debating whether he belongs with the unworldly gods or Mortal man. 
While I am not going there with the whole Amber Heard situation, her performance as Mera was & was literally a fish out of water situation. There was also social commentary to her reaction to things. The things that are problematic which leads to rapid climate change.

1.)Wonder Woman

The film that people would argue would “save the DCEU” & honestly is the only saving it needs at this point is the higher-ups at WB making bone-headed decisions & replacing them. It was very different from other superhero films I saw. It handled the social commentary on war very well especially a War not as Black & White as World War 1. The allusion of Ares I admit was better than the reveal but he’s still on the upper-tier of villains in the Franchise. I also like the warm moments of characters talking in bars or at a campfire. The atmosphere still warms me up even years after this film had come out. 

Honorable Mentions

The Ultimate Edition of BvS

is my second favorite film made in this franchise. I just feel it did more justice to Superman as a character. If this had been the one that came out in theater this would still be my #1 until the next Honorable mention.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League


Zack Snyder’s Justice League is my favorite film in this franchise & one of my favorite comic book films ever made. I wouldn’t even call it a movie I would call it an experience. They vastly improved Cyborg in this Cut the same way they vastly improved Superman in BvS. I would argue this Cut vastly improved everyone. You can tell Batman isn’t goofy he has a redemption arc of bringing everyone together. You can tell Aquaman is struggling with where he belongs early on. Wonder Woman has a complex relationship with her family & longs to revisit them especially after Steppenwolf’s attack on Themscyria.
The Flash might be the one where he doesn’t have as drastic of a change. Even Superman felt more important in this Cut & more critical of reviving. 

Dishonorable mentions:

Suicide Squad Extended Cuts

The only positive thing I can say it does feature more scenes with Letos Joker & I would have appreciated him more. Much like how people who don’t Like Batman v Superman say the Ultimate Cut doesn’t have a drastic change that’s how I feel with the Extended Cut. It might slightly be but If Suicide Squad was a 6/10 this would be 6.1. So still in the bottom 3.

And there you have it. My list of where I put each DCEU on my list. I’ll make a revised list at the end of next year when we’ve had 3 more Theatrical films out & I believe 1 HBO Max film I’ll put in the Honorable/Dishonorable Mention list.

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