The current season of ABC’s Agents of SHIELD has thrown our team into not only outer space but into the future as well. Here are some possible connections to 2018’s Avengers Infinity War that may be happening, WARNING, possible SPOILERS ahead:

- The earth has been destroyed. Currently, the blame is on Daisy, aka, Quake (Chloe Bennet), however, that may very well be a red herring to hide that fact that our Avengers baddie, Thanos (Josh Brolin), may have done it.
- The colony ship or team is stranded on is run by the Kree, a major alien race throughout such movies as Guardians Of The Galaxy, Agents of SHIELD, and to a small extent, Inhumans. In fact, the Kree is responsible for the Inhumans creation as established by Marvel Comics as well as the SHIELD tv series. The Kree bad guy from Guardians Vol.1 was Ronan a power-mad Kree who dealt with Thanos.
- SHIELD and all superheroes are seen as myths at best, which could tell a lot about a future decimated by Thanos. One where hope is snuffed out and a sick survival policy is in place.
- Although a possible stretch, the colony in this seasons SHIELD is governed by rules of balance, and in the Infinity War trailer, Thanos, expresses his drive to have balance in the universe.
- The alien population shown thus far in SHIELD, ones in places of wealth and privilege, come to the Earth colony to bet on gladiatorial combat especially between Inhumans. In the comics, Thanos was, on occasion, to pit fighters against each in this fashion. Indeed, Gamora and Nebula from the Guardians of The Galaxy series, both have faced each other numerous times in combat by their adoptive father, Thanos, it would seem that this would be a tradition carried out by those in power.
As this season progresses towards the opening of Infinity War in 2018, we will be able to glean or connect even more dots as more info is revealed for the movie. This current season of Agents of SHIELD as well as the upcoming Avengers Inifinty War: Part One, both appear to be major game changers for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.