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New Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Leak IS AMAZING

Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker is now less than 3 weeks away from release and even after the release of close to a dozen trailers and teasers, we are still no closer to knowing the exact plot or how Darth Sidious is returning, however, due to a recent leak we now may have a better idea as to how exactly the final confrontation with Darth Sidious with go

According to the individual who posted this leak, the description goes as follows. As with any leak please take with a grain of salt.

Kylo is saved by Anakin’s force ghost, who pep talks him and tells him to finish what he started, this time making it clear, that was to destroy the Emperor for good. Force ghost Anakin uses a platform to raise Kylo back up over the trench and he rejoins Rey, this catches Emperor off guard who was slowly torturing Rey with lighting. He takes control of Leia’s lightsaber and Rey regains her composure.

They face the Emperor and deflect his blasts back at him as leaked before, the voices of the Jedis of past being heard. Luke and Leia’s force ghost appear, behind them both which further disrupts the Emperor’s concentration and kaboom, Palpatine is dead. The explosion causes a distraction which gives the fleet their opening and they take out the main ship.

After they both end up on Tattooine to bury the past, that being both Leia and Lukes lightsabers. They both have newly constructed ones though I’m not sure they light them off. They speak about how much there is to do. Ben decides he wants to stay on Tatooine for a bit. Rey wants to restore the Jedi order, calling it the Skywalker Academy. Ben thought she was meant to do so. Rey says maybe one day he can come help. Ben hints that he feels that he’s got a lot to make up for, but maybe someday.

She tells him it’s time for her to go and that The Skywalker Academy is going to need students” Poe and Co. are shown to also be there. Finn jokes with her that they need to hurry and that the Republic won’t rebuild itself. Ben and Rey hug, Rey leaves saying they’ll be in touch. She meets with the crew and they all get on the ship together. Finn asks if she is sure about Ben, and she without hesitation says she is.

The movie ends with the Falcon taking off while Ben watches, the Falcon flying towards the two moons as he watches from a distance.

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