In a shocking turn of events, Ruby Rose announced that she will step down from her starring role in The CW's hit superhero drama Batwoman on the night of the season one finale. This...
Batman is on the hunt for Two-Face after seeing four men in similar kill themselves. Little does Batman know what Two-Face has been concocting though. Spoilers for Detective Comics #1021 follow.
After coming off several...
Gotham is empty and all the devils have fled. All that is except for Azrael and Batman who are about to have their final showdown. Spoilers for Batman: Curse of the White Knight #8...
All the plans that the Designer has built are coming to fruition and Batman can do nothing, but try and stay one step ahead of the curve. Spoilers for Batman #91 follow.
After the realization...
It’s time for Catwoman to come clean about the Designer’s
plans for Gotham, hopefully not destroying her relationship with Batman.
Spoilers for Batman #90 follow.
So far, James Tynion IV’s run on Batman has been really solid...
Two-Face has returned, causing Batman to try and discern what is now motivating him. Spoilers for Detective Comics #1020 follow.
The past ten issues or so of Detective Comics haven’t really lived up to the...