For those of us who thoroughly enjoyed the newest adventure of the famed Caped Crusader, The Batman sequel continuing the exploits of Robert Pattinson's Dark Knight is in high demand. Given the plethora of...
In the future, The Joker is dead and Batwoman is on the hunt for his killer. In the present though, Batman and Catwoman must contend with The Phantasm’s plot for revenge. Spoilers for Batman/Catwoman...
The Phantasm is on her warpath against the Joker, but do Batman and Catwoman really want to find her? Spoilers for Batman/Catwoman #2 follow.
After an incredibly long wait for the series come out, Batman/Catwoman...
Batman and Catwoman are married, but one of Batman’s former loves has returned to Gotham with vengeance in her soul. Spoilers for Batman/Catwoman #1 follow.
It’s been so long since Batman/Catwoman was announced to be...
Batman thinks he knows his city, but has he ever truly known
it? The dark designs created long ago have sprung into work creating nothing,
but potential pain for Batman. Spoilers for Batman #88 review.
The first...
Catwoman is nothing if not obsessive. So, when it comes to
her search for Raina Creel, she’ll go to any means to find her. Minor spoilers for
Catwoman #16 follow.
The past couple issues of Catwoman were...