The detective squad has confronted Red Hood and come away with very little. They are no closer to answering their question, who is Leviathan? Minor spoilers for Event Leviathan #3 follow.
Event Leviathan so far has...
Bruce Wayne is on his way to a business conference in Shanghai, but before he can arrive, Deadshot takes over his plane. Minor spoilers for Detective Comics #1009 follow.
Detective Comics #1009 is coming off the back of its worst issue...
Cats and water don’t really mix, which becomes evident once again when Catwoman begins to drown, both literally and figuratively.
Catwoman is a series that has been consistently been a disappointment. It's never been downright awful, but it...
Green Lantern is saved from a monstrous demon by three parallel universe Green Lanterns. Not only do they save him though, they pull him into a fight against a multiversal threat.
This issue of The Green Lantern is...
The City of Bane is all but quiet now that there are now heroes left in Gotham. Flashpoint Batman and Gotham Girl thus only have to worry about the remaining villains they need to round up.
The Parliament of Trees is no more and the Parliament of Flowers has begun to choose a new champion for the Green. The Justice League Dark can’t help Swamp Thing with the task he...