In our day and age, Hollywood is rebooting everything, and I think that a Flash Gordon reboot would be harmless to the existing franchise. Originally, this movie was a cult film that was created...
Futurama, the fan favorite TV show from the creators of The Simpsons, has built up a huge fan base over the years. Just like The Simpsons, this show has broken barriers and appealed to...
Batman: Year One has long been a favorite of DC comics fans. The comic explains the origins of Batman in a much more interesting way than we have thus far seen in movies such...
In Hollywood today, there is no such thing as an original idea. So, in place of original screenplays and new franchises, studios look to reboot classic and beloved films. What film is more classic...
Despite the controversial opinions from critics and fans alike, the DCEU is still planning more and more movies, and it seems that Gotham City Sirens is going to be Harley Quinn's next appearance in...
While we might want Stephen Amell to be the character still in the DCU, they've already expressed that they want to keep their TV and movie properties separate, and have done well so far...