DC Comics has tapped A Wrinkle in Time director Ava Duvernay to direct a film for them revolving around the New Gods, and this has been greeted with mixed emotions by fans of the...
News has broke that WME-IMG, the parent company of the UFC, is currently creating a biopic centered around the first ever event held by the promotion. The film is said to revolve around Rorion...
It seems that legendary actor and director Sylvester Stallone has come accustomed to working on boxing films, as he announced last week that he will be directing a biopic centered around the infamous fugitive...
Sersi: Rashida Jones
There has been a lot of speculation as to what the future of the MCU holds after the highly anticipated Avengers 4, but it seems that one unlikely project has been confirmed....
While Justice League Dark is a movie that has been in the works for years at DC Comics, it seems like we're closer than ever to seeing the film come to fruition, and it...
A deal between Disney and Fox has been reached, and in doing so, that means that the Fantastic Four could be joining the MCU any day now. While Fox hasn't had much success with...