For those of us who thoroughly enjoyed the newest adventure of the famed Caped Crusader, The Batman sequel continuing the exploits of Robert Pattinson's Dark Knight is in high demand. Given the plethora of...
Comics. They’ve been around for decades upon decades with individual issues numbering somewhere in the millions. However, amongst the crowd there are stories that stand out above the rest.
Of those millions of comics, there...
The end of the war has arrived as Batman and Joker have one last bout that will determine where Gotham City will be headed. Spoilers for Batman #100 follow.
“Joker War” so far has consistently...
Batman has returned to action and has called in the Bat-family to help fight back against The Joker before his plans to destroy Gotham come to their fruition. Spoilers for Batman #99 follow.
The penultimate...