SLOW CITY BLUES is an ongoing series following Detective John Loris, who gets trapped inside his imagination after a horrible accident causes him to try and take his own life. John instead ends up in...
"The views and opinions discussed in this interview are for entertainment purposes and are those of the artist themselves and not necessarily that of the author and publisher"
Dirk Strangely has been a fixture in...
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with poet and author Xiao Yan, Yan has just released a book of Poetry titled Café after Dawn. The book was inspired by Yan's state of being...
Recently I had the pleasure of speaking with lobbyist, political consultant, and founder of The Da Vinci Group, Mark Smith, Mr. Smith has over twenty years of experience in government relations and in the private...
Recently I had the pleasure of speaking with lobbyist, political consultant, and founder of The Da Vinci Group, Mark Smith, Mr. Smith has over twenty years of experience in government relations and in the private...
It is a cool morning here in Southern California, but the hint of mugginess suggests that the sun will be warming the day within a few hours; the weekend is about to start, but...