Ray Hurd has been working in the voice-over and voice-acting industry for two decades. from narration to voice acting for anime to reading for audiobooks, Ray Hurd has shown himself to be a force...
Tyler Walke has a unique connection to the world of anime. besides being a voice actor on such series as Spy X Family, Attack on Titan, and My Hero Academia, Tyler Walker has also...
The Kimo Kawaii Anime Experience & Convention continues the tradition of giving attendees a more interactive convention experience with voice acting opportunities, a Japanese Arcade room hosted by Okashi Houston, Battle of the Bands,...
Conroe, Texas, may not seem to be the waypoint in the map of anime conventions, however, that may soon change.
Chris Carson is the founder and producer of KimoKawaii, a new anime con in...
Normally when one thinks of someone who does voice-over or voice acting work, you assume that is all they do.
This is definitely not the case with Elise Baughman. Yes, she has a full...
Josh Martin seems to have made a little bit of a career doing characters in purple. He's played Barney the dinosaur, to the delight of little kids, and the Dragon Ball villain, Majin Buu.