If there is one movie that can effectively same the DC Universe franchise, it seems to be Matt Reeves' The Batman. The visionary director plans on creating a trilogy with Robert Pattinson and a...
Cloverfield has become an actual franchise. It doesn't feel like it, but quietly it's gone from "Godzilla meets Blair Witch" to world-famous horror series. Three very different films make up what we have today,...
Keanu Reeves is a phenomenal actor and is becoming one of my favorite celebrities to watch. He has come along way since the notable 80’s performance in Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. His boyish...
Netflix has a lot of content to sift through what is the best sci-fi movies what are the worst and what are the oddest. Take a look at the Top 5 oddest Sci-Fi films!
With all of the high profile DC/Marvel movies being churned out by WB and Disney, respectively, it was only a matter of time before other studios jumped in the pool. Recently, the library of...