20th Century Fox is allegedly developing a standalone film centered around Kitty Pryde before they have to forfeit their production rights to Disney. While the movie seems to be in production purgatory at the...
Rumor has it that Marvel's next project is going to be a team-up movie involving Captain Britain and Black Knight, and fans have welcomed the news with open arms. While these are two characters...
As America tuned in to Sunday night's Super Bowl 52, we were introduced to a multitude of new commercials and TV ads. From Solo to Mission Impossible to Dwayne Johnson's upcoming film, Skyscraper, you have to admit...
On March 17th, Netflix will release it's the latest offering to it's Marvel Comics mature themed hero line with Iron Fist. Known in comics as "The Living Weapon", Danny Rand is a child of two...
Doctor Strange, Marvel studios 13th film in the acclaimed Marvel Cinematic Universe is shaping up to be a massive hit for the studio and brand as a whole. Today details dropped news about the...
There has been a lot being made about Deadpool's record-breaking earnings at the box office, while most felt the film would be successful few thought the film would be opening to 130 million dollars or that it would...