Under the lens takes a deep look at films by focusing in on one or two particular areas of the picture that helped to define it for better or for worse. Spoilers will be included...
Title: Mutiny on the Bounty
Year: 1935
Starring: Clark Gable, Charles Laughton, Franchot Tone
Director: Frank Lloyd
Runtime: 2 hrs 12 mins
Is It Any Good?: It’s pretty good. It’s overly long and that hurts it. And while 132...
Title: It Happened One Night
Year: 1934
Starring: Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert
Director: Frank Capra
Runtime: 1 hr 45 mins
Is It Any Good?: It is a true classic and a film that if we were without America's truly...
Under the lens takes a deep look at films by focusing in on one or two particular areas of the picture that helped to define it for better or for worse. Spoilers will be included...
Title: Cavalcade
Year: 1933
Starring: Diana Wynyard, Clive Brook, Una O’Connor
Director: Frank Lloyd
Runtime: 1 hr 52 mins
Is It Any Good?: Drab, it’s just drab. A film like this which was pegged as “The Picture of the...
Title: Grand Hotel
Year: 1932
Starring: John Barrymore, Joan Crawford, Greta Grabo
Director: Edmund Goulding
Runtime: 1 hr 42 mins
Is It Any Good?: Not too shabby. While some of the dialogue seems overly melodramatic, and it looses some steam...