Tesla Coil of Hope: Black Lightning

Having completed its first season on the CW Black Lightning is a breakout hit and the superhero television shows I dominate that Network. and with of the disarray and darkness, and political posturing some of these shows take on it’s refreshing to see, a series told in a context of a community and a family the works and fights together.

Cress Williams take on Black Lightning, DC Comics character that’s been around since the 70s, is a unique part  of the DC Comics TV universe. In the comics Jefferson Pierce , Black Lightning’s secret identity, was shown either as superhero, School principal, or dad, however in the TV series he’s been shown as all three. As mentor to his school and real kids  and protector of his City he and his family do what they can to ensure the survival of the place they call home.

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Cress Williams as Black Lightning

Rather than just punditry, bad jokes about an administration, or hash-tagging slogans, social and political commentary are addressed into very real ways. For example Jefferson Pierce is a school principal and teaches the values of self-worth, hard work and single-mindedness  towards education and excellence are things taught there. Also, one of the  main characters, Jefferson’s eldest daughter, Anissa Pierce (Nafessa Williams), becomes a superhero in her own right Thunder. When you’re first introduced to the character she has shown as a medical student, activist, and a lesbian woman. However, her identity is not merely embedded in her personal life, or her reactionary  protesting. As the series progresses she learns to expand her Horizons and protector of all people not just those like her.

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Nafessa Williams as Thunder


Also, rather than seen in the government as a solution for the situations that affect our community, government is a fact seen as the villain several times in this season. The citizens, the church, and sense of community are seen as those who truly benefit and care for Those people that live in the city of Freeland.

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Mr. Pierce and his daughters

At the start of the show Jefferson Pierce’s family is divided due to his actions,but his dedication and determination as protector and hero, reforged bonds within his his marriage and his family.

Some media outlets  floated the idea that the show was anti white, in fact the mentor and good friend of the family Peter Gambi, played by actor James Remar, is white. Gambi became a second father to Jefferson Pierce after his own was killed and trained him to be a competitive athlete, scholar, and combatant and guided him in his endeavor to become protector of Freeland.

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James Remar as Peter Gambi

In his first season we’ve seen the positive and negative effects a mentor can have upon a young person. Those who serve the interest of the youngster and the community help build people up they will become leaders in their own right. Those mentors who are self-serving, greedy, and callous can lead a young person become as mean, vindictive, and angry as they are.

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Hopefully this is a pattern and precedent set for the series as it continues. let’s hope the writing, production, and cast can continue the show it probably what is the most down-to-earth and family-oriented, even if it’s not family friendly, superhero series currently on air.

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with Moviepilot.com, currently an Associate Editor for ViralHare.com. I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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