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The Force is With Fan Expo: Star Wars Fan Groups Stand Together in Dallas

Usually, when one thinks of the world of Star Wars, we assume it’s all affecting a Galaxy far, far away. However, several Star Wars Fan Groups have made it a point to be involved in the here and now.

Groups such as the 501st, The Rebel Legion, The Mandalorian Mercs, and the Saber Guild were working together to share their love of all things Star Wars with the fans at Fan Expo Dallas.

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One of the connective threads running through this unique cosplay community is the fact that they all work with various charities. primarily ones that work with children and people in need.

Also, all costumes for all groups must be handmade and approved by various groups to ensure brand Integrity is maintained by those who merchandise Star Wars memorabilia and costumes.

Amongst these other fine groups, The Peter Mayhew Foundation was also a part of the show.

These groups also have different ways to interact with the public. for example, the 501st, has booths where you can take aim at a stormtrooper with a Nerf dart gun or take pictures with such characters as Darth Vader or the Emperor. The Mandalorian Mercs had a booth where different Clans of Mandalorians took pictures with the fans walked on the Light Side of The Force.

 Also, some groups such as the CoruscantSaber Guild, give demonstrations of lightsaber combat amongst their members. Members present at Fan Expo Dallas were Gareth Ortiz-Timpson, representing the Sith, and Erica Hawvermale and David Snowden-Bailey, both representing the Jedi.

Throughout the weekend. amongst costumed volunteers, backdrops from various Star Wars stories, and vehicles set up to take pictures with, In various types of droids running around the hall, custom built and remote controlled by members of the Astromech group.

These fan-fueled organizations are an asset to the nerd community as well as their home areas.

So while at FanExpo or other conventions check to see if the groups are making an appearance and not only enjoy what they bring to a show but participate in the charities they are helping. This is the way 

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