The Old God’s: America, Abortion and Human Sacrifice


Perhaps you have heard of Neil Gaiman’s seminal work “American Gods.”  It is an interesting work that details the lives of the so-called “old gods,” or deities that are from many nations which are connected to the people groups they travel with. According to the storyline the “old gods” are dying due to lack of belief in them, and are seeking ways to be relevant again. For example in the show, the god Vulcan has infiltrated the gun manufacturing industry and is drinking in the worship of guns as his own, finding a loophole to still be the god of fire.

Despite being a work of fiction the author took the real concept of deity worship and followed it to its logical conclusions. We as humans all worship something, whether it be money, power, love, materialism or lust. All the worship that originally went to the old, ancient gods is now reframed and directed somewhere else in our modern society. Hidden in plain sight.

In our modern day America, Christianity is weak, even though its ranks have numbers in the tens of millions and claim celebrities, billionaires, politicians, and even Presidents. Yet its influence seems to erode day after day, with law after law being chipped away at its belief system and rights.

On January 23rd, 2019, the state of New York passed a sweeping abortion rights law which allows termination of a fetus up until its birth and removes the protection of the fetus for life if it survives the procedure. While the legislation says this only covers abortions to save the health of the mother, the word health in the bill is loose and can refer to an emotional, mental and or physical state, thus allowing abortion for almost any reason.

Abortion is one of the main issues for Christians, yet it seems they have become more and more relaxed about it, and more and more young Christians don’t see it as a big issue and prefer to focus on social justice. Christians are proud of their long history of the eradication of the pagan gods of yesteryear, yet in spite of that declaration, in the shadow of Christianity the old gods are returning, donning a new set of clothing along with new names; walking the sterile, white halls of abortion clinics in pristine white coats. .

Have you heard of Crom Cruach? The demonically evil god of Ireland, who demanded sacrifices of infants from the population, or of Molech the barbaric Canaanite god who was responsible for the murder of countless of thousands of babies on its heated alters. These old gods are coming back, but they look different now. They darken the doors of abortion clinics and stroll in the powerful halls of Washington. Thanks to Christianity they were starved of their worship and sacrifice of children, however now they are indirectly worshiped and fed millions of children. Through it all, Christians slumber on and seem blinded by their return. In the book of Numbers, God commanded His followers to:

“Destroy all their carved images and their cast idols, and demolish all their high places.”  

High places were locations of worship where human sacrifice and other gifts were offered up to the ancient gods. In the Bible, Josiah was king of Judah and effectively ended the reign of Molech by destroying its high places and temples. In Northern Ireland the great Christian hero Patrick, arrived and was horrified when he heard tales of the sacrifices to Crom Cruach. He was told to stay away from the temple atop the hill where the graven image of Crom Cruacht was placed and where the children were taken.

Nevertheless, Patrick was unafraid and despite being alone and outnumbered, he took a hammer and walked to the top of the hill. Taking the tool and smashing Crom Cruach to bits in front of his worshippers. This marked the end of this god for over a thousand years. Yet, as of January first of this year this ancient deity returned, “Fighting off last-ditch resistance, Irish lawmakers overwhelmingly passed a bill introducing free and legal abortion to a nation that was long a bastion of staunchly conservative Catholicism” so says The New York Times. And in our own country with Roe vs Wade, Molech returned, growing more bloated than ever before. But, Christians seemingly slumber on.

In the United States our abortion centers are the high places where the old gods return, they reside in every city and state across the land. Unlike Patrick, Christians are the majority in the United States with over 200 million claiming faith, and almost 120 million outright opposing abortions. With these incredible numbers, Christians still roll over and slumber on; oblivious their old enemies have returned and are more powerful than ever.

God has commanded His people to “Demolish all their high places,” this was not a suggestion but a command. Am I calling for violence against abortion providers? Of course not. Christians have a potential of tremendous political power, and they have the numbers to back that power up. It is time they used it, it is time a new generation of Patrick’s arise and pick up the hammer to demolish the modern temples of Crom Cruach and Molech and drive them out forever.


  1. Fantastic article. Thanks for your perspective. My daughter and I have had a similar conversation concerning Molech and abortion. I personally believe that is the same disinterest behind human trafficking.


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