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Titans Aren’t together:Comic Con Trailer Tarnishes Titans Against Media Versions

Promo art for the new episode/event based around the Titans from DC Universe online.

Since the San Diego Comic-Con the trailer for the new Titans TV show for the new DC Comics Entertainment Network has gone viral. Following up on the heels of the Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go animated series, as well as years of fandom in the comics, this one has fanfolks really divided. One of the biggest in your face issues when this trailer is the fact after DC entertainment hammered Zack Snyder’s vision of a more serious, darker cast of DC characters, that is trailer seemed to not only take the darker edges of the DC Universe but to shoot it through a nighttime camera filter during a thunderstorm at midnight.

Robin, left, and Raven from the SDCC Titans trailer.

In the trailer we see Raven come to what appears to be a detective Dick Grayson, AKA Robin, for help. We also see that same Robin in an alley fighting criminals by himself, possibly even killing these criminals, and telling the world in a very of colorway what he thinks of Batman. Also, we see versions of Beast Boy Starfire and Hawk and Dove which differ from what fans were used to. Also, the actress who plays Starfire has received negative feedback on her appearance, and even possibly racist, derision from fans.

The edgier, darker looks from the Titans trailer.

An almost opposite path of the trailer for Titans is the new event and downloadable content package for DC Universe Online. Base around the Titans and taking parts from the fan favorite storyline the Judas Contract, the framework of elements and play for this episode show a brighter side of the Titans without sacrificing any of the intensity or adult level topics and themes of Titans storylines past and present.


The DCUO content allows you team with such members as Cyborg and the current Robin, to name a few.

You get to explore and interact around Titans Island and interact with characters and places within the missions taken from the Teen Titans comic book series. Taking this direction was a smart move for DC entertainment and Daybreak games to better endear themselves to Teen Titans comic book fans. Giving nods to the run made popular by Marv Wolfman, writer and George Perez, the artist this content feels somewhat like being part of those classic comics.

Taking the idea of a tryout for the Titans, you arrive with a banner and Titan themed balloons.

Although we really can’t know which direction the Titans TV series will eventually take the first impression is it will be one of darkness just for the sake of being edgy and dark. however with a hint of that return of the Teen Titans animated series which balanced between, anime chibi humor and darker, edgier storylines, which included the Judas Contract storyline, and the lighter content still available via DVD and online we have to seriously look about the tone they set as this series progresses.

The original Teen Titans, sans Robin Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Aqualad, and Speedy. This was the title/commercial bumper for the short-lived Filmation cartoon series of the 60’s.



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