Top 5 Atlas Superheros That NEED To Be Made Into Movies

With all of the high profile DC/Marvel movies being churned out by WB and Disney, respectively, it was only a matter of time before other studios jumped in the pool. Recently, the library of Atlas/Seaboard comics was purchased and optioned by Paramount Pictures for a multi-film deal. For those who may be in the dark, Atlas/Seaboard comics was created in the 1970s by Marvel Comics founder Martin Goodman, in order to compete with the domination of DC and Marvel at the time.

So let’s look at the top five probable Atlas/Seaboard superheroes to hit the silver screen first.

Tiger Man

Atlas/Seaboard - Tiger-Man

A weird mix of eugenics experimentation and African based, (possibly made up) tribal lore and vigilantism, this short-lived book featured a research doctor who uses tiger DNA on himself and then gets bestowed upon him, the skin of a different tiger he had slain with his new abilities and his bare hands. He then returns home with tiger skin unitard and mask and begins to fight weird criminals including his own opposite number. With some obvious connections to DC’s Man-Bat, this would appeal to fans of the weird, sci-fi, mystery films.

Wulf: The Barbarian

Atlas/Seaboard - Wulf

With the impact made on pop culture by Conan The Barbarian and Game of Thrones, this film would definitely find an audience. A young prince whose royal parents are killed leaves his kingdom behind to track down those who harmed his family and avenge them. If you dig this concept, then consider yourself part of the target audience.

Planet of the Vampires

Atlas/Seaboard - Planet of the Vampires

Although not depicted on the covers, for some odd reason, the main male and female protagonists are actually African-American. Equal parts, Planet of The Apes and I Am Legend, the plot of this series was full of social messages, worldwide horrific implications, and despair, maybe Paramount would be smart to engage a certain Jordan Peele for this one.

John Targitt: Manstalker

Atlas/Seaboard - Man-Stalker

Full of old school government agent, pulpy, crazy action, this one would be a draw foe the Jason Bourne or Remo Wiliams crowd. An FBI agent who colors outside the lines is dismissed, and then rehired but given a special suit to stalk the extra special kind of bad guys. If done in a completely insane high stakes, tongue-in-cheek kind of manner this could a fun film.

The Destructor


The most Marvel-like movie of the bunch, we have a teenage criminal whose father develops a formula to enhance a human’s mental and physical capabilities. When evil bosses of the kids crook harm his family, his father gives him the only dose of the formula. And from then on, the kid acts more like Peter Parker then Billy the Kid. This would probably be the best intro movie to start the Atlas series off, due to its familiarity in plot and style that would appeal to comic movie fans.

CHECK OUT: All Upcoming DC Universe Movies, Sequels, and Crossovers (2019 – 2022)

William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with, currently an Associate Editor for I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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  1. the main male and female protagonists are actually African-American.?? Actually the main protagonist was a white dude named “Chris Gallad” …. there was an African American character but the story did not center on him ….. the African American female (as well as the white protagonist female) both were killed early on …. this would however be a great T.V. series, the next WALKING DEAD type mega hit !!


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