Top 6 Tony Amendola Roles In TV And Film

Tony Amendola is one of those Hollywood actors who has been in the industry a long time and has a very respected resume to go with those years, You will definitely have seen him on the big or small screen.

The actor has played some very impressive roles over the last 30 years. His credentials include Star Gate, Terminator, Green Lantern, and Dexter, and he has earned some serious geek cred with some of the characters he has played. So let’s take a look at the Top 6 Tony Amendola Roles In TV And Film you NEED to watch.

Master Bra’tac in Stargate SG-1

Tony Amendola will forever be immortalized in pop culture as the kind and powerful Jaffa Master Bra’tac. Once a devoted servant to the false gods Apophis and Klorel, Bra’tac defects and forms a rebel group to fight them. Bra’tac was a great character, but a character who could have been throwaway and forgettable, yet Tony Amendola brought a sensitivity and humanness to Bra’tac in his interaction with Teal’c and the SG-1 team and if his combat of the gods. That made the character one of the most memorable of the series. If you have not seen this series, go watch it because it’s very worth your time.

Enjoy this video of Master Bra’tac being a boss:


Khadgar in World of Warcraft” Warlords of Draenor

Everyone knows World of Warcraft. In 2014 Blizzard released Warlords of Draenor, an expansion pack for the game world. Tony Amendola was cast to provide the voice for the character of Khadgar. Khadgar is known as one of the most powerful wizards in the land. In the game, he leads the forces of the alliance to defeat and disable the forces of Draenor. Amendola’s voice was perfect for the role, adding a slight accent and toning to the character he was able to project a presence that endowed the character of Khadgar with a wise and powerful feel.

Edouard Kadame in Continuum

This is perhaps my favorite role of Tony Amendola. The show is about a group of terrorists from the future that travels back in time to take down the corrupt Corporate Congress before it is created. They are followed by a Police officer from that future that hunts them. Edouard Kadame was the leader of the terrorists and sought to cause an uprising in the present timeline. Starting off as a basic villain, Amendola was able to craft the Kadame into a three-dimensional character. At times I even found myself rooting for him as he was portrayed as sympathetic and flawed by his upbringing and the circumstances of his life. I highly recommend Continuum, it’s a fantastic show, and it’s one of Tony Amendola’s best roles.

Father Shaun in Fallout 4

Fallout 4 was one of the bestselling games of 2015 selling 12 million copies at launch. Tony Amendola played the game’s main antagonist Shaun, otherwise known as Father. Father is the leader of the Institute in the game world. He wishes to take humanity further underground to escape the radiation and dangers on the surface as he has an irrational fear of the surface and its threats. Amendola played this character with a lot of emotion that was infused with strength. The character was needed to emote fear and attachment as the character believes it is the son of the player in the game. Amendola did a wonderful job bringing the character to life. One thing I like about Amendola is that he takes his role seriously and puts the same amount of effort into his video game roles as he does his live-action ones.

Dr. Yousef Salim in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Pretty much everyone has played a Call of Duty game and experienced its mix of cinematic storytelling and frantic first-person action. As just mentioned Call of Duty has done well at producing cinematics that feels very much like mini-movies in the middle of the game. They also are known for getting well-known talent to play characters in the cinematics. Tony Amendola was cast to play the role of Dr. Yousef Salim in the game. Salim was a behavior psychotherapist for the Coalescence Corporation. He was also responsible for creating the Frozen Forest, a virtual safe zone for the consciences of soldiers. Though Amendola’s role is small in the game, he brings the quality of acting in the game to higher levels. They also had a digital rendering of his face which was aged for the character. His character brings a level of humanity to the scene as he plays Salim, he emotes the fear the civilian scientist feels at being interrogated. Though his character is a bad guy, The way Amendola plays the scene shows us that even bad guys can be normal people caught up in bad situations.

Marco/Geppetto in Once Upon a Time

Many will recognize Amendola from his role on the hit show Once Upon a Time. He plays the character of Marco and Geppetto. Once Upon a Time is famous for taking classic fairy tales and adding a modern twist onto them. Amendola puts in a really good performance as Marco and Geppetto, he puts on a thick Italian accent and plays the role of an emotional father very well. As he does with all his roles Amendola adds a good amount of humanity to this role and emotes accordingly so that the viewer is able to feel what the character is feeling. Don’t miss this performance by Amendola it’s very good.

Tony Amendola is a classic actor who always gives 100% to his roles. He also has amassed a substantial amount of pop culture acting roles, not many actors can claim the number of nerd culture roles as Amendola can. While some actors would be opposed to this Amendola has embraced it and as a reward, he has been immortalized in pop culture. There are not many actors who can say their roles will still be being watched generations later but I think it’s safe to say that my grandchildren will be cheering on Master Bra’tac years from now.

What is your favorite role that Tony Amendola has played? Any that you think should make it on this list tell us in the comments below

Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayette is a film critic and journalist. He is the current Chairman of the Independent Film Critics of America, as well as the Editor and Lead Film Critic for Viralhare and a Staff Writer for Film Obsessive. He also contributes to What Culture and many other publications. He considers Batman V Superman the best superhero film ever made and hopes one day that the genius of Josh Lucas will be recognized.

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