Future Retro Music: The Top Five Best Nerd Bands Ever

Say you’re needing some background music for gaming, reading a Lensman or Conan The Barbarian novel, or cruising down the coast looking for giant monsters. But, you have no idea where to start. Face front true believers, because in this article of audio affluence, affirmation, and artisan level music we’re taking a look at what could be the top five best nerd bands of all time.

1. Hawkwind

First on our list of the top five best nerd bands is the grand-daddy, no seriously this group has been around quite a while, of all nerd-friendly bands, Hawkwind over tenure has sported such talent as Lemmy from Motorhead, Ginger Baker of Cream, and Andy Anderson of The Cure. They’ve even performed with author Michael Moorcock, creator of the Elric series and the Eternal Champion universe. Their album The Chronicle of the Black Sword was in fact based on the Elric series. Although they have songs covering different topics, their progressive/psychedelic/space rock sound show they are indeed the elder statesmen of nerd music. Here is a tune to sample that fits the list.

2. “Weird” Al Yankovic

We can’t possibly do a top five best nerd bands list without including the oddest mainstream duck of them all Weird Al. Besides having a top forty hit in every decade since the ’80s,(a feat only achieved by Michael Jackson and Madonna), covering topics such as food, “I Love Lucy”, and all areas of pop culture, “Weird” Al Yankovic has so shown that one of his greatest geeks loves is the Star Wars franchise. One of his first hits was his take on Lola by The Kinks reworked into a tribute to our favorite wrinkled and green Jedi Master, Yoda. However, his biggest ode to the Star Wars is “The Saga Begins”, done to the tune of American Pie by Don McClean.

3. Daikaiju

So have you ever wanted a trippy soundtrack to read your kaiju or giant monster manga to, or maybe thought a cheesy Godzilla movie could be improved with surf-style guitar music? Well, you’re in luck, because Daikaiju may be the band for you. Maintaining a mysterious demeanor by wearing kabuki style masks and never speaking on stage, or only making the occasionally written statement, Daikaiju originally formed in 1999 in Huntsville, Alabama, and as of now is based in Houston, Texas. The band usually consists of two guitarists, a bassist, and a drummer. Taking stage names that lend heavily to weird sci-fi, this band has been the favorite of many a fan. With song titles and albums that borrow heavily from Japanese and American monster movies and themes, this is probably one of the most unique bands today.

4. Nerf Herder

Nerf Herder-Started in 1994 in Santa Barbara, California, Nerf Herder is one of the premier names in nerd music. The founders of “nerdcore”, and the performers and producers of the Buffy, The Vampire Slayer TV series theme song, Nerf Herder has a long-running string of genre hits. Taking up topics such as Doctor Who, Star Trek, and even the original Land of The lost in various humorous, yet, respectful ways this band continues to give voice to nerds of all kinds. Although some of their work skews towards the risque’ and juvenile, this band continues to keep nerds rocking. And if you’re heading to a con, this should be your theme song.

5. I Fight Dragons

I Fight Dragons-Having provided music for the Goldbergs and NCIS television shows this geek core band hailing from Chicago, Illinois, was formed in 2008. Using tunes partially generated by a Nintendo NES gaming system, I Fight Dragons is a band although not everybody is familiar with, more people may have heard their music than they realize. Continuously expanding their audience and discography, this band knows how to get to the heart of the nerd kind. This tune is a prime example.

So what do you think about this top five best nerd bands list? Did you agree? Is there a band you wish had made it on the list? Let us know below and maybe it will be fetured in a future part two list!

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William Robinson
William Robinson
William Robinson Experienced interviewer, researcher, and original content creator. Graduated from MTI Houston TX. Was a solid contributor with Moviepilot.com, currently an Associate Editor for ViralHare.com. I have worked as an interviewer/article writer on the convention scene for over twelve years and covered Wizard World Austin and New Orleans, Comicpalooza, Space City Con, Traders Village Con, Free Comic Book Day, Comic Book Literacy, small press artists and studios, as well as reviews on TV, movies, and other media.

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