Top Twenty: Songs Written Exclusively For Films!

Music is just as much a part of the cinematic experience as the visuals. Since the dawn of film music has played a huge part in the whole experience of cinema. Back when there were no speeches for characters to rely on all we had was the music. Some songs even transcend the movie they were created for. Some of the songs below have done just that. Without further ado let’s do it!

“We Are Sex Bob-Omb” – Beck Scott Pilgrim vs the World

A movie based on a popular graphic novel by Bryan Lee O’Malley this introduction track does a great job of telling us exactly what we’re in for. Fuzzy guitar, video game references, and lots of songs written by Beck. As for the track itself it’s a perfect storm of loud guitar and punishing bass, not to mention its nonsensical lyrics.

“If You Leave” – OMD Pretty In Pink

John Hughes movies are a goldmine for all the best the 80’s had to offer. This is a prime example, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark crafted for Pretty in Pink a perfect track that encapsulates the very essence of the characters involved. From Paul Humphrey’s lazy, almost melancholic delivery to the stirring strings and synth section.

“Vindicated” – Dashboard Confessional Spiderman 2

What is there to say about this film and it’s lead track. Not only is Sam Raimi’s second Spidey film the best narrative web weaved on the character but it’s most emotional. What better way to showcase that better than the songwriting and vocals of Chris Carrabba. This song is so good Carabba rereleased it on Dashboard Confessionals 2006 album Dusk and Summer. It’s opening line works almost like a story something you’ll notice throughout this list.

“Falling Slowly” – Glen Hansard/Marketa Irglova Once

Excuse me while I wipe the tears from my eyes. It is a gorgeous song that rightfully won an Oscar for Best Original Song. Hansard’s gentle gruff mixed with Irglova’s thoughtful piano not only tear out your heart, but make you think this might be the soundtrack to falling in love. Our vagabond storyteller and his quiet companion may very well make you believe in love. Check out the sequel to this as well entitled The Swell Season

“Gangsta’s Paradise” – Coolio Dangerous Minds

Raise your hand if you’ve seen Dangerous Minds with Michelle Pfeiffer? Okay now raise your hand if you know this song? Guarantee you more hands went up the second time. Regardless this song is great. Not only are Coolio’s verses unique but the rhymes are tight to boot. Often the best movie songs connect with the film this one does that…sorta. It’s video features the films star, but like I previously said who remembers the flick? This was later released in November of 1995 on a record of the same name. Also the Weird Al parody is straight up amazing

“Holiday Road” – Lindsay Buckingham Vacation

Known as a part of the very successful group Fleetwood Mac Buckingham has written many great tunes but this one, written for the National Lampoon Vacation soundtrack might be his most iconic original movie moment. Can you imagine those films without this now iconic piece of music? No, you cannot because now they are the movie even the 2015 reboot relied heavily on the nostalgia of both the IP and this song!

“Ghostbusters” – Ray Parker Jr. Ghostbusters

Not only is Ghostbusters one of the best comedies to ever be created but Ray Parker Jr’s theme is just unbelievably catchy. Much in the way that some of these songs are independent of their films this song is completely engrained into the legacy of the now classic comedy it was written for. With an infectious horns section and shouty under chorus everyone now knows exactly who to call when something weird happens and it don’t look good.

“Danger Zone” – Kenny Loggins Top Gun

Maverick said he felt the need, the need for speed and that speed was gained on the highway to the danger zone! There’s no better homo-erotic 80’s pilot movie than Top Gun and no better homo-erotic 80’s pilot movie anthem that can trump Kenny Loggins! With it’s killer synth and totally 80’s attitude this is one highway you do not mind being stuck on!

“Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head” – B.J. Thomas Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Perhaps the weirdest entry on this list just go ahead and watch this scene above. Bike riding? This scene feel out of place when taken out of context and understanding the film itself. Nonetheless it’s a song that won Best Original song and has gone on to be a song that transcends it’s movie. All that despite the film being damn good and featuring both Paul Newman and Robert Redford.

“Eye of the Tiger” – Survivor Rocky III

When it comes to epicness in movies the Rocky franchise has it down. With it’s montages, and various training sequences there’s no series that can match it’s consistency, and quality. Here we have the biggest, and best example of the awesomeness Syl and his most iconic character bring. In its third installment they got it right with this Oscar nominated Survivor jam!

“Power of Love” – Huey Lewis & the News Back to the Future

Written for the first movie in the Back to the Future trilogy this Huey Lewis and the News track does not in anyway connect to the events of the film but instead works as a track that sounds fitting for an 80’s film. Lewis himself has stated he suspects Marty McFly’s favorite band would be his. Not being a huge fan of Huey or the News (perhaps I’m just too square to be hip) but even I can get down to this track.

“Stayin’ Alive – The Bee Gees Saturday Night Fever

Disco sucks, but this song totally doesn’t. Whenever we hear this song we automatically get transformed to a place where a young John Travolta has perfectly quaffed hair and swagger walks home with a gallon of paint. In what could be one of the most iconic songs on my list this 70’s classic is one of the few songs that not only perfectly grasps it’s film but a period in time as well.

“The Wrestler” Bruce Springsteen The Wrestler

The Boss does his best to match Mickey Rourke’s performance on an emotional level, and he almost succeeds. There’s a lot to be said for what the songs almost minimalist approach does to best invoke that response from the listener. Springsteen also goes ahead and shows that like Randy “The Ram” an old dog can still learn some new tricks. You can feel the swell of emotion permeating through to a lump in your throat.

“Live & Let Die” – Paul McCartney Live & Let Die

Perhaps the best Bond theme for a subpar Bond film. This Roger Moore era opener is from former “Fab Five” member Paul McCartney. Its slow building open crescendos into a rush of beautiful noise. Most will point to Skyfall as the best Bond theme, but those people are also probably all still in elementary school. Paul and to a certain extent Wings really seem to get Moore’s Bond and this song is a reason how you can tell.

“Don’t You (Forget About Me)” – Simple Minds The Breakfast Club

I mean this song is like…the entire 80’s all rolled into one. First released on The Breakast Club about a week before it was released as a single this was Simple Minds only U.S. chart hit. When you think about really great movie ending that final scene of Judd Nelson fist pumping the air in a freeze frame, well that’s pretty good. Likewise, John Hughes movies (as previously stated) are a great place for fantastic music.

“Save Me” – Aimee Mann Magnolia

Oh man! Not only is Magnolia one of those rip your heart out kind of movies, but that’s kind of the whole message here. It’s almost as if the film where built around the placement of this song in the narrative itself. This is just one of what could be a large list of Paul Thomas Anderson using music. Instead though this was written for the film, and nominated for Best Original Song, which it lost, to Phil Collins and his cartoon monkeys.

“Fight the Power” – Public Enemy Do the Right Thing

Written for and at the request of Spike Lee for his 1989 masterpiece Do the Right Thing, this song was later released on Public Enemy’s 1990 magnum opus Fear of a Black Planet. Its message of standing against oppression matches that of Lee’s film, and the music video mirrors the films tone. Manic, and full of revolution. Chuck D’s vocal brutalize the verses and Flavor Flav’s hype keeps the whole thing moving. Tell me this track doesn’t make you wanna start a rebellion all your on, and of course fight the power at be.

“Miss Misery” – Elliott Smith Good Will Hunting

You know what sucks? Losing an Oscar to Celine freaking Dion! That’s exactly what happened to Elliott Smith. During the 70th Academy Awards the former Heatmiser frontman lost Best Original Song to the French-Canadian singer for her Titanic ode “My Heart Will Go On” which can go suck a lemon because this track is freaking amazing. Just listen to Smith’s dulcet tones as he lulls about a wonderfully melancholic lass that doubles as a question of sentimentality? Do you miss misery like you say you do, or is it do you Miss Misery like you say you do?

“Mrs. Robinson” – Simon & Garfunkel The Graduate

Iconic 60’s film checklist. Young guy with low self-esteem. Check. Cougar on the prowl. Check. Soundtrack consisting solely of Simon & Garfunkel. Well…yes, but that one is exclusive to this Mike Nichols classic. Can anyone imagine this film without this song? There’s something to be said for the way this song juxtaposes the perception we get of Anne Bancroft’s character, with the description given to us by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel.

“Lose Yourself” – Eminem 8 Mile

In what I’m calling an utter surprise the top pick is this Eminem Oscar winner for Best Original Song. Honestly when I made the list I didn’t expect this to receive the most votes, but it totally did! This is a great track regardless, and apparently this is the best track ever written for a movie. Would it have been my number one? Nah, but that’s the fun of taking other people’s list into consideration.

So, what songs did I miss? What is your favorite song written for a movie? Let me know down below. If you’d like a playlist of all the songs to look for it at the end of this article. Go ahead and click follow below to get more from me and don’t forget to check out my web presence @FilmSnobReviews on all the things as well as my site

William Eguizabal
William Eguizabal
Notorious cinephile, I'm a man who wants only a few things in life. Good food, great friends and incredible cinema!

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