This Video Is Sure To Give You Chills


Man uses his hands to catch giant spider.

A recent video showing a man catching a massive spider has gone viral this past week. The man who hails from Brazil can be seen pointing out a gigantic spider hanging out on his walls.  My first reaction would be to kill it with a smack from a long shovel or with industrial strength Raid. Although, given the giant spider’s size, a call to animal control might be warranted.

As the video continues the man calmly places his hands on either side of the spider. He opts for slow controlled movement, rather than a quick karate chop to the spider’s abdomen. His strategy seems to work as the spider is slowly coaxed off the wall and onto his hand. The ability to remain calm is quite remarkable and makes us suspect this is a common occurrence.

The man then transfers the frightening spider into a plastic container after luring it off the wall. That’s where the video concludes, and we can only imagine what happens next. Hopefully, it will be peacefully released into the wild, far, far away from civilization. Or, perhaps, he has been collecting these spiders for years waiting to exact revenge on a terrible neighbor. We may never know the answer.

Regardless of what happens next we hope we never see a giant spider like this anywhere near our home!

So, what would you do if you had a spider like that in your home? Let us know your plan for action in the comments below!




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