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This Actor Has A Secret And It Will Astound You!

Vin Diesel is best know for his role as the criminal with a heart of gold Dominic Toretto in the blockbuster franchise The Fast and the Furious. You may also know him from his role in the cult classic Riddick franchise. Vin Diesel is the epitome of a Hollywood tough guy which has been solidified in the many iconic roles and movies he has taken part in, but he also is a real life tough guy having been employed in his younger years as a club bouncer.

But there is more then meets the eye when it comes to Vin Diesel, just as books don’t always match their covers Vin Diesel has a secret and  While he can go toe to toe with the likes of The Rock and Jason Statham the heart of a true nerd beats deep within this action hero’s body.

What is this secret? He is a massive Dungeons & Dragons player and has played for over 20 years, and is not the least bit ashamed to talk about his love for the famous fantasy role playing game. In fact a fun tidbit according to Wired says that he taught Dame Judi Dench to play on the set of the action movie Riddick.

Diesel describes his experiences playing Dungeons & Dragons this way

“Imagine Dungeons and Dragons with a table filled with artists — they’re able to live in this world of imagination,”

Vin Diesel is such a fan of Dungeons & Dragons that he even wrote the forward to the book 30 Years of Adventure: A Celebration of Dungeons & Dragons,” While he does not often go around talking about his passion for Dungeons & Dragons he has said that somewhere on his body is tattooed the name of his Dungeons & Dragons player name “Melkor” 

To hear Vin Diesel talk about his love of Dungeons & Dragons himself check out this awesome video


So were you suprised to hear the words Vin Diesel Dungeons & Dragons in the same sentence? Let us know in the comments below what you think about Vin Diesel Dungeons & Dragons

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