Mark Swirsky, a pastor from Lake Jackson, Texas, has written a series of fantasy novels called The Chronicles of Altaran, Pastor Swirsky has created a world that pulls from his background as a biologist, his influence from authors Lewis and Tolkien, an expression of his faith. With his unique background and interests, he was able to draw on these differnet parts of himself, for his four part series.

Beginning with Shadowlord Rising, and continuing on through three more novels, young hero Ransom Cros, must deal with the trials and tribulations of the burden laid upon him.
At Comicpalooza 2018, I was fortunate to get an interview with Pastor Swirsky and get an insight into his creative thought process for his books.
You can find his books on both paperback and ebook format from his site The Chronicles of Altaran, or from Amazon. As mentioned in the interview, Pastor Swirsky intends to continue with Altaran and it’s world and creatures. Continuing a tradition set forth by JRR Tolkien and C.S. Lewis in the genre of faith-based fantasy, it’s is good to see that this kind of book is still being written.