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You Wont Believe What Pandas Look Like When They’re Born!

giant panda baby

giant panda baby - via wikicommons

No, this crazy creature is actually giant panda baby

Instantly recognizable by its striking black and white pattern, it’s quite possible that the Giant Panda is the worlds cutest animal. The bear’s fame may be due to its easily recognizable color pattern, its cuddly personality, or perhaps its dwindling population. Whatever the reason, it is certainly loved by countless people around the world. Although most people think the giant panda is adorable, they would be repulsed if they came across a giant panda baby in their house.

These two giant panda cubs were born this week at the Atlanta Zoo. As you can see they look a bit like giant newborn rats. At birth a giant panda baby is unable to see, it is nearly hairless, and has no teeth. It is also unusually small, about the size of a human hand, though it will grow rapidly during its first year.

The Giant Panda, which is native to south central China, has a population of roughly 2000 worldwide. The declining number of pandas has led to massive conservation efforts over the past couple decades. Giant pandas don’t mate often in captivity which means every panda born (like the two new additions to the Atlanta Zoo) is a big win for conservationists.

Interesting facts about giant panda babies

Giant pandas are born blind, hairless, and toothless

Giant pandas don’t reproduce often in captivity

To combat this problem zoo keepers have employed numerous methods, ranging from showing them videos of other pandas copulating, to giving the males Viagra

The cubs are born toothless and rely entirely on their mother’s milk for the first 6 months

If twins are born in the wild the mother will usually kill off the weaker of the two – It is thought that mothers are only capable of producing enough milk for one giant panda baby

Babies  are about the same size and weight of your cellphone at birth (3-4oz)

A giant panda baby grows quickly and will weigh around 45kg at 1-year-old

Giant panda twins are born in around half of all pregnancies

What do you think about panda cubs? Are they as cute and cuddly as you expected?

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