Zack Snyder & Bernie Sanders: Misinterpreted Men Of Integrity

I’m of course referring to Film Director Zack Snyder and 2-Time Presidential Candidate Senator Bernard Sanders. A rather strange comparison to be had no doubt. One is a politician and the other is a filmmaker. What could they have in common that warrants such an article?

I had also considered adding in John Cena & Roman Reigns but the limit to their negativity in the market of Pro Wrestling is so niche that they aren’t really a big enough of a topic to discuss not to mention Cena hasn’t been a full-time wrestler in years and Roman Reigns has up until recently been social distancing since March.

Zack and Bernie have the same type of media and individual criticism so much that it turns into the narrative and causes a division amongst crowds of people. Snyder is called a Hack and people say he doesn’t know how to make a good movie and Sanders is called a Socialist or a Communist that wants to turn our country into another country that has socialism. They’ve also been conceived as having white males as their core demographic, which if you actually hop online you’ll find most cases of that to be false.

Hack Snyder!

So, let’s talk about the “Hack” argument first. The use of the word seems to derive from the fact that it rhymes with Zack and therefore has given him the derogatory name of “Hack Snyder” by some people in the online fan community.

What incentive is there to call Mr. Snyder a Hack? To me, a hack is someone like a plagiarist, or undeserving of the position they should be in or fell into luck with nepotism. None of these things represent who Snyder is as a person. At worst he’s paid homage to other people’s work like Alan Moore or Frank Miller? How the hell is that being a hack? Then for all intense and purposes, we should call Robert Rodriguez a hack for copying a lot of Sin City’s graphic novel. I’ve heard some criticism of Rodriguez’s work but nothing on this level of toxicity.

Politicians can be hacks. I can tell you in my honest opinion I think President Trump is a hack. He’s plagiarized people’s work, I think he is undeserving to how he got here and oh would you look at that his parents loaned him millions of dollars.

I have never heard people call Bernie a hack but there have been people who viciously attack him for no reason. Back when people accused Senator Sanders of being a Socialist that seems hypocritical now because when Obama was running he was also called a socialist by the media as well. He had his base of Obama bros (I was one of them but it was my first year of voting what can I say?) yet he got elected.

A guy who the media had the same disdain as they do for Bernie is now seen as the Democratic leader of the party. And hell, Arnold Schwarzenegger became a Republican because in one of the Presidential debates between Former Vice President Richard Nixon & Current Vice President Hubert Humphrey was Arnold thought Humphrey sounded like a Socialist.

Free Passes For Some But Not For All!

I know Obama was also a young man when he made these similar promises as Bernie did and does, and Bernie was the oldest candidate running in 2016 and 2020. But these attacks make no sense as these were once the same criticisms that Obama got in 2008. Why is Socialism given a pass to Obama but not Sanders because of age differences? That’s just ageist and Clinton & Trump were not that much younger either. Joe Biden is only a year younger.

So it does show a clear bias when people like Barack Obama, Hubert Humphrey and Robert Rodriguez wind up doing the same things as Zack Snyder and Bernie Sander and the latter two men are the ones who wind up attacked.

I mean, everyone has their biases. In general, I am more critical of anything Disney puts out than I do DC but I do not take time out of my day to be disingenuous to them. When I like something I tell people I like it when I don’t like something I don’t like it. I don’t like to keep a track record of how many times a director screws up. I don’t always see a film solely based on the director. The movie has to look good. I haven’t seen The BFG despite is being a Speilberg film but it just didn’t look good to me. It all comes down to public interest really.

Now I’m not here to raise judgment upon anyone who just doesn’t like these people solely based on their professions, I just think today we come to quick conclusions on who these people are without getting to know them. From what I’ve seen Zack Snyder has a friendly relationship with his cast from most of his past work and doesn’t have a single controversial thing about his personal life. Same with Bernie. The worst the media could do to Bernie is attack him for implying a Woman can’t be elected President. Well, first off, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote so how anyone can conclude that Sanders actually believes that is beyond me.

Two Men and a Cult?

I can imagine there will be some people who will call me a ‘Snyderbot’ or a ‘Bernie Bro’ upon seeing this review and when they do that just proves another point I have. That supporters of these two men are members of a cult. I can say that as someone who’s voted for Senator Sanders twice that is not true. Bernie was a man who had ideologies that many young people agreed with and unfortunately the criticisms that mainstream outlets attacked Bernie with lead to this disaster of an election we have now.

“I don’t like Biden either but we gotta vote Trump out.” “Harris will just replace Biden down the road.” “Bernie wants us to vote for Biden.” See if I was truly a member of the Cult of Bernie I would follow everything Bernie tells me.

Close friends and family have begged me to vote for Joe Biden and I have come to the conclusion that he needs to earn my vote. The Coronavirus Pandemic has exposed our flawed healthcare system and we need Medicare For All. Like a pawn shop type of deal, The best Biden can offer is “Maybe” I’ll add a Public option for Obamacare and lowering Medicare to 60 as opposed to Clinton’s proposal of 50. Recently, he wasn’t even sure if he could add a public option.

I’m not here to tell people who to vote for. The point in all of this is people like me who Support Bernie Sanders are capable of thinking independently.

I understand how much Trump needs to go and I believe Biden will defeat him come November, but not receiving healthcare is worse and if neither Trump nor Biden can’t offer a single-payer healthcare system during a pandemic then really doesn’t matter who wins to me. Besides, Trump has expressed interest in running again for a non-consecutive second term if he loses like Millard Fillmore, Grover Cleveland, and Teddy Roosevelt did.

The same thing goes for Zack Snyder. I’m not some zealot worshipper of his movies. I gave my honest opinion of Sucker Punch and I wound up not liking it. With the upcoming Snyder Cut I can’t tell you if it’s going to be the best film of the three he’s done in the DC Extended Universe. So far I think it looks a billion times better than Joss Whedon’s Frankenstein cut.

In Conclusion

I wanted to make this article because in my heart I feel like these two men are genuinely good people. Zack Snyder & Bernie Sanders went through their own tragedies in their life & we have to be able to understand that. Not like it but respect it.

I hate Trump with a burning passion but I paused for a minute and realized when his brother died a couple of weeks ago that we shouldn’t celebrate that. Donald J. Trump is my beef, not his brother Robert. It’s no different than when Elizabeth Warren lost her Brother to COVID. I had my problems with her integrity near the end of the Election cycle but I take no joy in knowing what she had lost.

I have seen people mock and reference Zack Snyder ‘s late daughter Autumn at his own expense. I felt nothing but embodied rage when I see this. There is a line that can be crossed. You attack a man for having your heroes killing but you think you won’t be condemned by Superman or Batman if they were real knowing you disrespect the dead to fit your agenda?

History shows that Zack Snyder & Bernie Sanders have integrity. I question the integrity of people who find ways to abuse the first amendment in a way that just makes people who use to like you not watch you. Whenever someone attacks Zack Snyder or his a family that’s outside the entertainment talk community I don’t engage I ignore. The less credit and the more we leave them nameless the more they remain irrelevant.

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