Animation. It is a unique storytelling device, and one that's been used in cinema since the late 1920's in a feature film format when Walt Disney created Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, unlike this cinematic...
Disney has just announced that they will be building a hotel that is being described as an Immersive. Star Wars. Hotel. There are not a lot of details as Disney just dropped the news...
Despite some time passing since Spider-Man: Homecoming's debut, fans everywhere are still buzzing about the film. With there being so much to say, it's no surprise to hear of every moment being dissected for...
In April 2017, a Belgian tourist was found dead at a resort in Thailand, authorities have said it was cult ritual suicide. The victim, Elise Dallemagne , was with a group called Sathya Sai Baba,...
Since the nineties of the big move of artists from Marvel to create Image and Publishing his for a long time and thought of strictly in terms of primarily young white men creating superhero...
The superhero genre is at its all-time high right now. With Marvel getting ready to release its thirteenth film in its Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) which also includes four live-action TV shows, and DC...