Dress Yoga Pants are Taking Over The Modern Office! See Why Here!

Have you even dreaded going to work at the office? Having to dress in business clothes and suits that are made to make oneself look the part while not worrying about the comfort of the person wearing the clothing. Well if you are one of the millions that count down the days in the work week so you can run home and slip into your weekend clothes, then this new invention is for you! Behold the Dress Yoga Pants


designer Sarah James has created a new kind of yoga pants that can be worn to the office. James said

“I wanted to create a comfortable pair of pants that would work for power yogis and Powerpoint professionals”

James continued

“I combined a stretchy performance knit with dress-pants features to create a comfortable pair of pants that could easily be worn for a light lunchtime workout and look just as appropriate back at the office. They feature the visual appearance of pockets, but they’re nonfunctioning to prevent unsightly lines and getting in the way of your vinyasa flow.”



The pain of designer dress yoga pants called Betabrand’s Dress Pants Yoga Pants run $78 a pair for navy, gray, or black pants. This idea is so brilliant, as it allows office workers to feel comfortable while working. This allows for more productivity as if a worker is comfortable then they will produce more quality work.

The face of what is appropriate to wear to the office is changing as millennials pour into the office space and change things to how they best work. For the time being these awesome yoga pants are only available for woman, but never fear men, they offer Grey dress pant sweatpants that run $98. The men’s dress sweats are just as stylish as the women’s yoga pants and allow comfort and productivity.

Byron Lafayette
Byron Lafayettehttps://viralhare.com/
Byron Lafayette is a film critic and journalist. He is the current Chairman of the Independent Film Critics of America, as well as the Editor and Lead Film Critic for Viralhare and a Staff Writer for Film Obsessive. He also contributes to What Culture and many other publications. He considers Batman V Superman the best superhero film ever made and hopes one day that the genius of Josh Lucas will be recognized.

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