Fav Five Films: Sundance 2019


6. Fighting with My Family

I had the distinct pleasure of attending the Sundance Film Festival 2019 as a member of the press. Now let me get one quick complaint out of the way – the “Working Press” pass is a futile and ineffective means of covering this festival. I need to make that clear to the audience. First world problems… I get it. Regardless because of the limitations of this pass, I didn’t get to see everything I wanted. Here’s a quick hit on the films I missed and hope to cover in the coming months: Brittany Runs a Marthon, The Last Black Man in San Francisco, The Farewell, Apollo 11. So thanks for that Sundance. Hopefully next year we’ll get the full press pass. Anyway, without further ado – here are my five favorite films from Sundance 2019!

Telling the tale of WWE wrestler Paige and her journey from small time Norwich wrestler to the wild and wacky world of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Florence Pugh is absolutely stellar and shows exactly how talented she is giving Paige the emotions needed. She’s a fantastic actress. Nick Frost steals a ton of scene and Stephen Merchant’s writing shines. For all HIS use in the promotional materials, Dwayne Johnson isn’t in it a whole lot. That’s a good thing though as his schtick would’ve bogged it all down. Overall a solid film and one everyone in the family will enjoy.

Photo Credit: Film 4


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