How A Horny Father Saved His Species From Extinction

100+ years, 800+ children

Yes you read the title correctly. A Galapagos tortoise was recently credited with single-handedly bringing his species back from the brink of extinction.

A colorful past

Diego, the now famous Galapagos tortoise, has led an adventurous life. Diego is a member of the critically endangered species of galapagos tortoise Chelonoidis hoodensis. The species is native to the Galapagos island of Espanola, an ancient island which is home to a number of unique species.

He was taken from his happy home during an expedition to the island. The date isn’t certain but is estimated to be around 1900-1959. He eventually wound up at the San Diego Zoo in Southern California where the galapagos tortoise entertained guests in exchange for a daily ration of fresh fruits and vegetables. At the time scientists hadn’t identified Chelonoidis hoodensis as a separate and unique species from other galapagos tortoises on neighboring Galapagos islands.

The brink of extinction

In the 1970’s scientists recognized this unique species and were quite alarmed by what they found. The global population of Chelonoidis hoodensis sat at a mere 14 individuals. 2 males including Diego, and 12 females – because women always live longer than men.

Unleashing the beast

In 1978, after spending several decades traveling the world and working on his resume, Diego the galapagos tortoise was transported back home. Scientists were concerned that the two remaining males would be unwilling or unable to breed with the females and produce viable offspring.

They certainly underestimated how horny a 100-year-old galapagos tortoise can be.

DNA tests were recently run on the now swelling 2,000 members of the species. It was determined that Diego himself had fathered a whopping 800 members of his species. That means 40% of the population is a child of Diego, and a majority of the rest are his descendants.

Happy humping, Diego

Diego seems to be enjoying life back home. At the moment he is likely seducing his harem with stories of his exotic travels. It is unlikely that he will slow down even though his species has come back from the brink of extinction. With more cute females than ever Diego plans to keep on going and enjoying his life next to the beautiful beaches and cute females.

Chad Michael Root
Chad Michael Root
Just a guy trying to see the world.

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