Peacemaker Ep.7 Stop Dragon My Heart Around Spoiler Review

Out of the 7 episodes I’ve seen of this show this episode is probably the most divisive I have ever felt. I feel the first 6 episodes are great episodes. By no means am I saying it’s a bad episode. This one was just good but with great moments. How do I explain? 

James Gunn’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 1 is one of the best Marvel Cinematic Universe movies ever made. It is still in the top 10 for me. By contrast Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume, 2 is my bottom 10. Why are both films so vastly different in my rankings even though James Gunn has pretty much been 3 for 4 in my book? GOTG Vol.1 was a Sci-Fi Opera with Comedic elements. GOTG Vol.2 was a Comedy with Sci-Fi elements with some major exceptions. If The Suicide Squad & Peacemaker Ep.1-6 is Action Drama series with Comedic elements Episode 7 was a comedy-drama with action elements. Why do I prefer the former & not the latter?

GOTG Vol.2 took me a second watch to appreciate how valuable the more emotional moments were to the movie. Unfortunately, the film still didn’t know how to balance the jokes out. “Taserface” was funny one time but then got drawn out a bit too much. The jokes did not seem to not always be set upright in the film & while this episode had some good jokes when the serious moments happened the timing of some of the jokes didn’t work so well. One joke Vigilante said while Peacemaker was in mourning of his father would have been enough. The follow-up joke immediately after was not necessary. I know the show is supposed to be nihilistic but it remained consistent with timing when it came to its humor.

Both GOTG Vol.2 & this episode have another thing in common with the main characters being forced to kill their own fathers who were the centric villains of their respective stories. You had Starlord killing Ego & Peacemaker killing White Dragon. I’m not sure what kind of relationship Gunn has with his father but 2 evil fathers in 2 different comic book franchises feel like too much of a coincidence. Maybe I’m just reading too much into it but I did find it noteworthy. I just spent a week on vacation with my Dad & I’m glad he’s not evil. Maybe a little crazy from time to time but not evil. I hope some of you don’t mind me spoiling a movie that came out 5 years ago since this is a Spoiler review.

As set up from the cliffhanger of the previous episode, Auggie Smith as the White Dragon with his white supremacy gang goes after Chris, Adrian, & John Economos. They can eventually find them easily since Auggie put tracking devices in his helmets. It’s revealed that not Chris but Auggie was responsible for Peacemaker’s brother’s death & with hesitant shots hits the father in the head. Vigilante mistook Chris crying for exercising his face muscles which were fine for the moment since it was an established joke early on. I would have not added the following joke is all I’m saying.

The moments they do allow to breathe in Episode 7 (as well as GOTG Vol.2) are still very well-written moments and I have a lot of respect for it trying something different than what we’ve seen before. The fact that Gunn has only disappointed me with one film and one episode of a show isn’t bad. Another major death happens as well. Man is killed by the Butterflies & Harcourt becomes the leader of the Task Force. Initially, she was angry at Adebayo for betraying Peacemaker but they settle their differences & reunite with the rest & go after the “Cow” of the Butterflies setting up the next episode. 

Oh, and it would be a disservice for me not to mention my favorite scene Cena has ever done onscreen. Yes, that includes WWE, Movies, Hosting, & miscellaneous. Eagly is seemingly dead after getting hit by White Dragon. Smith prays for Eagly to be ok. It really is a genuine Emmy-level performance he gives for a CGI Eagle. Eagly eventually does pull through & Adebayo is shocked to see the 2 hug cause she didn’t believe it when Smith told her in an earlier episode that they hugged. Adebayo see’s this & calls her wife.

With only one episode left, I’m very curious how things will go down, especially since it was not given early access like the rest of the episodes were. Were at the final climactic battle folks. I hope it’s going to Rock because as the team has said throughout this episode, it’s never a bad time to Rock!

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