Petty Warner Bros Turns Off Comments On SnyderCut Trailer

Another day another petty move by Warner Bros against Zack Snyder fans, I have seriously never seen a film studio go so far out of its way to not make money and piss off its loyal fans. At this point, it’s hard to think of anyone more hated than WB at this moment, except for maybe J.K Rowling and Disney (at least they are hated by Americans favorite Asian and Tree actress ScarJo)

Now we all know how Petty WB can get, they sent a babysitter to set to watch every move Zack Snyder made, told him he could not film his Green Lantern scene for the Justice League, and even told him no special features on the physical media release of Justice League. I guess they felt the special features included on 2017’s train wreck were enough, but hey I am still waiting to get the full-length commentary by Joss Weadon giving us a blow by blow of how he locked Gal Gadot in her dressing room screaming he would ruin her career if she did not let Ezra Miller fall on her breasts (Plot twist Gal was a combat instructed who was trained to fight armed terrorists, so a red-faced misogynist waving his arms in a Miller-lite t-shirt (this is how I picture it) was likely not much of a threat to her).

Anyway back to the pettiness of WB. They released a trailer for the 4K release of The Snydercut, in which one fan whose power was super vision spied was “Unlisted” this means the video does not show up in YouTubes search. Now some wondered if they had it unlisted due to the video being used for an ad, which honestly I thought, but after 100,000 Snyderfans tweeted at WB to inform them, nothing changed. Even Zack “Motherflipping” Snyder tweeted about, what was WB’s response *Crickets*

So Snyderfans did what they did best, they shared the crap out of the unlisted link and began driving up the views, as well as encouraging each other to leave comments like #RestoreTheSnyderverse. So what then pray tell did the old bitter crone known as WB do then? Well, they turned off the comments, apparently, WB HATES restore the Snyderverse movement so much they lashed out the only way they could (since they cant block Twitter or the millions of mentions there) by turning off the comments on an unlisted video.

It’s sad really.

But hey the merger is coming soon and word on the street is that Papa Zaslav was seen watching the Snydercut with Martin Scorsese and Denis Villeneuve, and would cry out from time to time “CINEMA, OH BLESSED CINEMA” But seriously this merger can not come fast enough.

Rachel Velazquez
Rachel Velazquez
Feminism. Activism. Equality. Poli-Sci major with a minor in journalism. Looking forward to an equal future.

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