Republican Office Firebombing – is this the END of democracy?


“Nazi Republicans leave town or else”

Last night a startling message was sent to members of the GOP party. The party’s North Carolina office in Hillsborough was firebombed in an attempt to scare away potential republican voters. The fire was started when bottle with flammable liquid was thrown through the front windows. The fire caused significant damage to the interior of the building and furniture located inside. Remarkably, the Republican office firebombing only burned the interior of the office and burned out by itself before spreading to other buildings.


A message was spray painted on the side of a nearby building, to further clarify why the Republican office was firebombed. “Nazi Republicans leave town or else.” A swastika was also drawn in addition to the message.

The tension of a tight race is especially strong in states like North Carolina where Clinton and Trump have spent the past months trading poll leads like relay runners in the Rio Olympics. The republican office firebombing is certainly a deplorable act, but begs the question, will there be more to come?

Both the GOP and DNC have been quick to condemn the destructive act. The North Carolina GOP executive Dallas Woodhouse stated that this was a “violent attack against our democracy.”

Hillary Clinton also tweeted her condemnation of the republican office firebombing, adding that she was grateful that no one was injured.

Many have been quick to point out that this attack was not only unacceptable, but also an attack on democracy. The democratic process only works when society works together to share and accept differences in opinion. So, we must wonder whether democracy will be a viable solution in the future if we can’t the tolerate differences we see in those around us.

With the violence and anger growing on both sides of the fence we may see democracy change, from the well-oiled machine of the past, to a inoperable beast tearing the country apart.

Trump’s promise this election cycle “make America great again” has focused on change. Our political system might need change as well. Let’s use the new rally cry:



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