Shazam Flies High: Movie Review

Usually, when an ad pops up on my social media I push them aside and pay them no mind, but earlier this week I saw an advertisement for early access viewing of the newest DC Comic movie Shazam (Or is he called Captain Marvel) and I could not pass up that opportunity. In my opinion, Shazam will be a well-liked DC movie and it is about time!

If you have seen the trailer for Shazam then you already know a bit of the back story. Billy Batson, a 14-year-old orphan, is giving superpowers by a wizard named Shazam. He is bestowed because his heart is pure. Billy and his friend Freddy then began on an adventure to become a hero.

So since I cannot go into full detail about the movie at the risk of being hunted down by Warner Brothers, I leave most of the movie a surprise. If you follow the comic books and know the history of the character then you will see the HUGE Easter egg in the movie. It is hidden in plain sight… though not really hidden. They also take advantage of being a DC movie… They have a lot of fun.

Now I have always been a huge fan of Zachary Levi fan (You may remember him from Thor, or the TV show Chuck), so when it was announced that he would be representing Shazam I went all giddy. This man is a triple threat with singing, acting, and dancing on his repertoire. Mr. Levi can also claim that he has been in both universes, Marvel and now DC. He did a fantastic job acting as if he was 15 years old trapped in an adult body. It really shows that he can play any character he puts his mind to. The boys in the movie did a very good job as well; especially
Jack Dylan Grazer who portrayed Freddy, Billy’s foster brother.

Now even though I think the movie was good, I don’t think it will be nominated for awards. This is unfortunate, but I could be wrong. If I were to rank it I would put it under Wonder Woman, but above Aquaman, Justice League, and Batman vs. Superman. Again this is my own opinion. I will leave it to you the viewers.

Now Shazam is also known as Captain Marvel. Sound familiar? I should hope so, if not then you have been living under a rock. Both Marvel and DC have released their own Captain Marvel this year. Who will reign supreme? Well, Marvel’s has earned $834,303,835 worldwide, but we have to wait and see what happens with DC’s own Captain Marvel.

CHECK OUT: The Doctor Sivana Clue in the Shazam Trailer EVERYONE Missed!

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