Not Monkeying Around: The Further Adventures of Chief and Sarge


Almost everyone loves koalas and monkeys, especially kids. This is an observation not lost on author CJ Peterson, and illustrator Davy Jones. They are putting their skills and love of monkeys into a children’s book featuring the characters Chief, a koala, and Sarge, a monkey.

I had the opportunity to speak to both of them about their upcoming project, at the recent Eastern Rim Convention in Baytown, TX. They spoke about their project came together, how they collaborate, and their love of monkeys.

The main characters, Chief and Sarge first appeared in Peterson’s previous children’s book, Cruising: The Adventures of Chief and Sarge.

A family portrait from the upcoming book. Artwork by Davy Jones

CJ Peterson is someone who has a fondness for monkeys, one being a main character in Chief and Sarge. Davy Jones has had a monkey as a character in his comic strip Charmy’s Army for a while now. For this team up on this book, it seems that the monkey business will be full of shines. A release date will be forthcoming, a barrel of fun for the whole family.


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