This ancient remedy will give you luxurious hair!

We all want thick, luxurious hair but sometimes during different phases of our life, our locks fall short. Maybe it’s for health reasons, age-related reasons; you just had a baby or the most common, a genetic predisposition. Whatever the cause, here’s something you can do to help your failing follicles.

Have you heard of the ancient plant Nettle, sometimes known as Common Nettle or Stinging Nettle? This plant has a long history for use in traditional medicine, food, tea and textiles in ancient societies. Nettle is used for hair loss and it has been known to stop hair from shedding on a regular basis. People using nettle root for hair growth have been amazed at the results. One of the main reasons this plant works so well is because of the plant’s proven anti-inflammatory properties. Scalp inflammation can be a major cause of hair loss and most people aren’t even aware of the damage that an inflamed scalp can cause.

So, how do we utilize this plant for healthy hair? There are many ways to do this. You can go to your local health food store and buy a shampoo that has Nettles as an ingredient or you can buy a supplement that includes Nettle or drink Nettle tea (nourish your hair from the inside). Nettle has many health benefits beyond that of helping hair.

But, an easy method that I use is a Nettle hair rinse. Here’s how to make it. Buy some loose leaf Nettle or Nettle teabags at a local health food store or Sprouts (they have the teabags). Add approximately one ounce of the loose leaf Nettle or 3 teabags to a quart glass container, pour boiling water over it and steep for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. This can be used once a week and is best used on those with darker hair because it can darken blondes. After shampooing and before conditioning, pour the strained liquid over your hair (keep it out of your eyes) and let it sit for around 3-4 minutes, then rinse. That’s all there is to it for beautiful, thicker hair, the natural way. Nature knows best so why not try it and see for yourself.

Rachel Velazquez
Rachel Velazquez
Feminism. Activism. Equality. Poli-Sci major with a minor in journalism. Looking forward to an equal future.

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